
Admin & Pointers

  1. Course Syllabus, our 'contract.'
  2. Guidelines
  3. Topics


  1. Temporal Reasoning
  2. Chapter 4 Dechter's own slides
  3. Chapter 9 Dechter's own slides
  4. Structure-Based Methods (instructor's slide)
  5. AND/OR Trees (slides of Robert Woodward)
  6. Soft Constraints (slides by Tony Schneider)
  7. Optimization (Chapter 13) (slides by Nate Stender)
  8. Soft Constraints Chapter 14 (slides by Daniel Geschwender)
  9. Constraint-Based Scheduling, Chapter 22 from Handbook (slides by Fikayo Adetundji)
  10. Tractable Constraint Languages, Chapter 11, Dechter's textbook (slides by Zion Schell)
  11. Hypertree Decomposition, paper by Gottlob et al. (slides by Daniel D.)

Scribe Minutes

  1. Temporal CSPs (I) by Robert.
  2. Temporal CSPs (II) by Zion.
  3. Temporal CSPs (III+IV) by Ali.
  4. Temporal CSPs (V) by Daniel Dobos
  5. Temporal CSPs (VI) by Nate Stender
  6. Directional Consistency (Questions) by Fikayo Adetunji
  7. Tree Decomposition (I) by Daniel Geschwender
  8. Tree Decomposition + Directional Consistency (II) by Anthony Schneider
  9. Tree Decomposition + Directional Consistency (III) by Robert Woodward
  10. Tree Decomposition + Directional Consistency (IV) by Nate Stender
  11. Tree Decomposition + Directional Consistency (V) by Daniel Dobos
  12. Tree Decomposition + Directional Consistency (VI) by Zion
  13. Tree Decomposition + Directional Consistency (VII) by Daniel G.
  14. Tree Decomposition + Directional Consistency (VIII) by Tony
  15. AND/OR Trees by Fikayo
  16. Soft Constraints by Nate
  17. Constraint Optimization by Daniel Geschwender
  18. Probabilistic Networks by Tony Schneider
  19. Constraint Based-Scheduling by Robert Woodward
  20. Tractable Constraint Languages by Fikayo
  21. Hypertree Decompositions by Zion

Evaluation Forms

  1. Evaluate the Speaker http://cse.unl.edu/~zschell/speaker_submit.php
  2. Evaluate the Scribe http://cse.unl.edu/~zschell/scribe_submit.php


    Temporal Reasoning
  1. Areas of study of Temporal Reasoning from slides by Montanari and Sala (TIME 2012)
  2. Temporal Reasoning Problems and Algorithms for Solving Them , a literature survey on STP, TCSP, DTP by Leon Planken 2007.
  3. Triangle-AC by Choueiry and Xu, AI Communications, 2005.
  4. Triangle-STP by Xu and Choueiry, TIME 2003.
  5. TCSP by Xu and Choueiry, CP 2003.
  6. TCSP by Dechter, Meiri & Pearl, AIJ 1991.

  7. Tree Clustering
  8. Dechter, R. and Pearl, J. "Tree Clustering for Constraint Networks." Artificial Intelligence (38), 1989, pp. 353-366.

  9. AND/OR Trees
  10. Rina Dechter and Robert Mateescu. The Impact of AND/OR Search Spaces on Constraint Satisfaction and Counting". In Constraint Programming, CP'2004.

  11. Soft Constraints
  12. Soft Constraints, Meseguer, Rossi, & Schiex, CP Handbook, Chapter 9, 281--328, 2006
  13. Solving Weighted CSP by Maintaining Arc Consistency, Larrosa & Schiex, Artificial Intelligence, Vol 159(1-2), pages 1--26, 2004.

  14. Optimization
  15. Chapter 13 of textbook

  16. Probabilistic Networks
  17. Chapter 14 of textbook
  18. Bucket elimination: A unifying framework for probabilistic inference (UAI 1996, pages 211-219).

  19. Scheduling
  20. Chapter 22 of Handbook on Constraints, ``Constraints Scheduling and Planning.'' Section 22.1, 22.3, 22.5.
  21. Hypertree Decomposition
  22. A Comparison of Structural CSP Decomposition Methods, by G. Gottlob, N. Leone, F. Sarcello, a pre-print of an AIJ paper. 2000.

Last modified: Sun May 5 23:53:13 CDT 2013