CSCE 421/821

Foundations of Constraint Processing

Instructor's slides

  1. Course Syllabus, our 'contract.'
  2. Instructor's slides: Administrative Note (PPT)
  3. Instructor's slides: Guidelines for reports (PPT)
  4. Instructor's slides:Constraint Processing 101 (PPT)
  5. Slides by Shant and Rahul: Quick review of NP-Completeness.
  6. Instructor's slides: Arc Consistency
  7. Instructor's slides: Backtracking mechanims (PPT)
  8. Instructor's slides: Evaluating & Comparing (Deterministic) BT Search Algorithms (PPT).
  9. Instructor's slides: Theoretical Evaluation of BT Algorithms
  10. Instructor's slides: Search Orders in CSPs (PPT)
  11. Instructor's slides: A Consistency Algorithm for AllDifferent Constraint (PDF).
  12. Instructor's slides: CSP & Relational DB
  13. Instructor's slides: Path Consistency & Global Consistency Properties
  14. Instructor's slides: More on Consistency Properties (PPT).
  15. Instructor's slides: Local Search (PPT).
  16. Instructor's slides: Advanced BT Search (PPT).
  17. Instructor's slides: Least Commitement: Rationale and Strategy (PPT).
  18. Instructor's slides: Lookahead Schemas (PPT)
  19. Instructor's slides: Graphical Representations and Graphical Models (PPT)
  20. Instructor's slides: Structure-Based Methods (PPT)
  21. Instructor's slides: More on Consistecy Properties (PPT)
  22. Instructor's slides: Modeling Examples (PPT)

Reading materials

Background, Overview Arc Consistency Search Phase transition BT Search: Theory Search Orders in CSPs Evaluating & Comparing (Deterministic) BT Search Algorithms An Efficient Propagator for the All-Diff Constraint Path Consistency DB & CSP Local Search Advanced BT-Search Structure-Based Techniques More Consistency Properties