Detailed Course Schedule
Week 1
Tuesday, Aug 25
- Syllabus,
Administrative Note,
Guidelines for reports
- Constraint
Processing 101
Friday, Aug 28 |
Topic: Introduction to CSPs
Required reading:
Dechter: Section 1.1, 1.3.3, 1.3.4, 2.1 and 2.2.
Constraint Programming: in Pursuit of the Holy Grail (PS,PDF). Bartak
Recommended reading:
  Bartak's on-line guide: Introduction to CSPs
Constraint Satisfaction (PDF) Rina Dechter. MIT
Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences
Algorithms for Constraint Satisfaction Problems: A
Survey (PDF) by
Vipin Kumar. AI Magazine Spring 1992.
Constraint Satisfaction Problems, An Overview (PDF), Pedro Meseguer
| - Constraint
Processing 101
- Homework 1 assigned
- Glossary 1 assigned
Week 2
Tuesday, Sep 2 |
Same as above |
Friday, Sep 5 |
Same as above |
- Homework 1 due
Week 3
Week 4
Tue Sep 15 |
No Class |
Instructor out of town
Glossary 2 due: please give to Shant (GTA).
Friday, Sep 18 |
Same as above |
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Tuesday, Oct 20 |
No Class |
Fall Break |
Friday, Oct 23 |
Topic: Basic Consistency Methods (PPT)
Required reading: The complexity of some polynomial network
consistency algorithms for constraint satisfaction
Sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 of Dechter's book.
Recommended reading:
Sections 3.4--3.10 of Dechter's book.
Networks of Constraints: Fundamental Properties and
Application to Picture Processing--Montanari, Information
Sciences, 1974. (Retrieve from instructor.)
Consistency in networks of
Constraint propagation with interval
labels, E. Davis
Path Consistency on Triangulated Constraint
Graphs, Bliek, Sam-Haroud, IJCAI 99
Glossary 6 assigned
Quiz 4
Week 10
Tuesday, Oct 27 |
Same as above
Deadline: Progress reports of projects
are due. (Use handin.)
Homework 5 due
Glossary 6 due
Friday, Oct 30 |
Same as above |
Same as above |
Week 11
Tuesday, Nov 3 |
Same as above |
Glossary 7 assigned
Friday, Nov 6 |
Same as above |
Week 12
Glossary 8 assigned
Week 13
Tuesday, Nov 17 |
Topic: Advanced Consistency Methods
Required reading: Dechter: Sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5.1, 3.5.3, 8.1.
Recommended reading:
Neighborhood Inverse Consistency Preprocessing, Freuder and Elfe
and Suboptimal Singleton Arc Consistency Algorithms, Bessière,
Debruyne, IJCAI 2005
Domain Filtering Consistencies for Non-Binary Constraints,
Bessière, Stergiou, and Walsh, AIJ 2008.
Synthesizing constraint expressions, Freuder JACM 1978
Glossary 8 due
Friday, Nov 20 |
Same as above |
Deadlines: First deadline for
extra-credit work. At most 1 paper presentation, 2
summaries, 1 chapter write-up after this date. |
Week 14
Tuesday, Nov 24 |
Friday, Nov 27 |
No Class - Thanksgiving Break |
Week 15
Tuesday, Dec 1 |
Residues discussion
Maintaining Arc
Consistency with Multiple Residues, Christophe Lecoutre et al.,
Constraint Programming Letters, 2008.
A Study of Residual Supports in Arc Consistency,
Christophe Lecoutre and Fred Hemery. Christophe Lecoutre and Fred Hemery, IJCAI 2007.
Arc Consistency during Search,
Likitvivatanavong et al., IJCAI 2007.
An Optimal Coarse-Grained
Arc Consistency Algorithm, Christian Bessière et a,
Artif. Intell. 165(2): 165-185 (2005).
Friday, Dec 4 |
Consistency in non-binary CSPs |
Final glossary due, in print and using handin.
Project reports are due in print and using handin.
Second deadline for extra-credit work: No paper
presentation, summaries, write-ups, on or after this date.
Week 16 - Dead Week
Tuesday, Dec 8 |
Friday, Dec 11 |
Deadline: Project code and slides due, submit using handin.
Week 17 - Finals Week
Day/Date: |
To Be Determined
Project Presentations
Last modified: Sun Dec 6 11:01:04 CST 2009