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It’s Finals Week. Prepare well.

Course Update

For the multiagent systems class, we have just completed our Game Days League. Team Laika won the league. For details, check out the course website at

Project Update

Our Renaissance Computing project is offering a new course that teaches introductory computer science with an emphasis in biology. Check it out at

Project Update

Our 2nd annual GEM project kicked off on November 17th. There are close to 40 participants from around Lincoln, and we have six mentors this time around. To find out more, please check out

This is pretty neat. But I don’t know how to re-arrange the tabs on top of the page … I would like to put them this way: Home, About, Courses, Projects, Students, Publications, UNL Orgs, Other Interests, and FA’09 Schedule. Hmm …

This is my new homepage. Enjoy the change.


Let me see how this works.