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The Computational Creativity Exercises team has published the final paper documenting their work on how student learn about CS. This paper is about the relationship between implicit intelligence beliefs and self-regulation of learning. Flanigan, A. E., M. Peteranetz, D. Shell, and L.-K. Soh (2023). Relationship between Implicit Intelligence Beliefs and Maladaptive Self-Regulation of Learning, […]

The Aida team that has worked on historical document analysis has published an article documenting our work: L.-K. Soh, E. Lorang, C. Pack, and Y. Liu (2023). Applying Image Analysis and Machine Learning to Historical Newspaper Collections, The American Historical Review, 128(3):1382-1389, September.

Our team published a new paper that uses a novel, intelligent image processing technique to analyze document images: Pack, C., L.-K. Soh, and E. Lorang (2023). Perceptual Cue-Guided Adaptive Image Downscaling for Enhanced Semantic Segmentation on Large Document Image, International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition,