CSCE 476/876

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence


Admin & Pointers

  1. Course Syllabus, our 'contract.'
  2. Intro to Piazza communication forum.
  3. Introduction and rules: Instructor notes #1 (PDF).


  1. Quick historical notes: Instructor notes #2 (PDF)
  2. A Little Bit of Lisp: Instructor notes #3 (PDF).
  3. Intelligent Agents: Instructor notes #4 (PDF).
  4. Solving Problems by Searching: Instructor notes #5 (PDF).
  5. Uninformed Search: Instructor notes #6 (PDF).
  6. Heuristic Search: Instructor notes #7 (PDF).
  7. Local Search: Instructor notes #8 (PDF).
  8. Adversarial Search: Instructor notes #9 (PDF).
  9. Constraint Satisfaction: Instructor notes #10 (PDF). New set of slides: PPT
  10. Logical Agents I: Instructor notes #11 (PDF).
  11. Logical Agents 2: Instructor notes #12 (PDF ). Algorithms.
  12. First-Order Logic: Instructor notes #13 (PDF).
  13. Inference in First-Order Logic: Instructor notes #14 (PDF) .
  14. Instructor notes (incomplete): Planning (PPT).


  1. What is AI? by John McCarthy (PS, PDF).
  2. Beating the Averages   (Paul Graham)
  3. The Long Game of Research (Communications of the ACM, Vol. 62, No.9, September 2019)