CSCE 476/876

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Your Catch

In this page, web pages of interest to the class will be listed. Every student is encouraged to propose a link he or she find of interest.

Catch of Fall 2023

  1. Please feel free to share resources

Catch of the GTA of Fall 2019

  1. Tyler Bienhoff: Here is a link with a good description of how to perform unification for each combination of variables, constants, and functions

Catch of the UTA of Fall 2018

  1. Samuel Flint: If you are looking for a fairly friendly/comprehensive reference to Common Lisp, The Common Lisp Quick Reference ( is a pretty good one it covers almost everything you'll use and more -- and is fairly easy to find things in
  2. Samuel Flint: This week's humble bundle ( includes two books about various Lisp dialects.
    • Clojure for the Brave and True (about Clojure, a dialect for the JVM)
    • Land of Lisp (Common Lisp, one of my favorite Lisp books)

Catch of the class of Spring 2016

  1. A cool animation comparing the performance of Iterative Deepening Search and Depth First Search, from Nathan Sturtevant.
  2. Garrett Wirka: Rubik Cube Robot. Here is another one, slower, on Facebook.
  3. Paul Quint: A Historic AI Moment in Go. Google's Deepmind has demonstrated their "AlphaGo" program for playing the game of Go by defeating the European Champion 5-0. This is a big moment in AI reminiscent of Deep Blue's historic chess match with Gary Kasparov, but Go has historically been considered much harder than chess with a state space that is orders of magnitude larger. See Nature video and the BBC article.

Catch of the class of Spring 2015

  1. Corey Svehla: Alpha-Beta Animation for Alpha-Beta pruning practice.

  2. Marcelo Florencio Sobral: Alpha-Beta Animation

    For a good example tree, use the following input values:

    Tree structure: 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 2, ALERT: do NOT put space after 2 (end of input), you'll get an incorrect tree structure

    Utility values for terminal nodes: 7 5 0 3 12 6 17 -3 24 -5 4 -11 -1 -20 42 0, ALERT: do NOT put space after 0 (end of input)

    Then, press "Create new game tree"

    Then, press "Run Minimax"

  3. John-Paul Ore: Towards Intelligence Compliant Service Robots (YouTube video)

Catch of the class of Spring 2012

  1. Abel Souza: Online Introduction to AI course by Thrun and Norvig.
  2. Abel Souza: YouTube: MIT Course on Structure and Interpretation (LISP @ MIT).

Catch of the class of Spring 2010

  1. Leonard Chen: Robo Soccer and RoboCup Rescue and Humanoid Soccer Robots.
  2. Yuji Mo and Way Loon Tan: A Grand Unified Theory of AI .
  3. Trevor Daniels: Infinite Mario AI (playing Mario using A*).
  4. Beau Christ: Interview with Peter Norvig. The head of research at Google briefly discusses his views on AI and how he believes we will soon be talking to computers.
  5. Beau Christ: AquaEmacs.
    "For anyone who is using Mac OS X. Even though Mac OS X has emacs built into it (since it is built on Unix), it is strictly text based (no graphical or mouse interaction). I found a program called AquaEmacs that gives you a more graphical and Mac-friendly emacs (it is basically the same standard emacs, but wrapped in a graphical Aqua interface). Thus, all of your emacs commands are there, as well as many Mac OS X specific things as well.
    If you edit the .emacs file like we did in the recitation, you can get Lisp up and running the same."

Catch of the class of Spring 2009

  1. Daniel Zeligman: Killzone's AI: Dynamic Procedural Combat Tactics by Straatman, van der Sterren and Beij.
  2. Jay Knapp: Wolfram Alpha.
  3. Michael Gubbles: Plastelina Logic Games (animation of the Farmer's Dilemman, Cannibals & Missionneries, and many other puzzles.
  4. Daniel Zeligman: Common Lisp Cheat Sheet by Marty Hall.
  5. Michael Gubbles: Practical Common Lisp by Peter Seibel.

Catch of the class of Spring 2008

  1. Shant Karakashian: Index of Common Lisp, The Language
  2. Shant Karakashian: Common LISP Hints by G.J. Gordon
  3. Shant Karakashian: Useful Emacs Commands (copied w/o permission from

Catch of the class of Spring 2006

  1. Adam Ebbeka: A nice walk-though alpha-beta pruning.
  2. Scot Anderson: Lisp: Recipes for the Format command.
  3. Jamie Schirf: Fundamentals of CLOS
  4. Scot Anderson: A Brief Guide to CLOS
  5. Nick Zielinski: CL HyperSpec .
  6. Jeffrey Gerard: Python for Lisp Programmers.

Catch of the class of Spring 2005

  1. Joshua Snyder: Game AI Page
  2. Joshua Snyder: List of AI games available to download (Defunct).
  3. Nicholas Zielinski: AVIDA, Artificial Life research at Caltech (defunct). Also, check the article entitled titled "Testing Darwin", about a developed program that is adaptive and responsive to stimuli (Discover magazine, Feb 2006, Vol. 26 #2, pages ?).
  4. Will Bickford: MagicCube4D (a functional four-dimensional analog of Rubik's cube).

Catch of the class of Spring 2004

  1. Anthony Noecker: Multi-platform Lisp interpreter

Catch of the class of Spring 2003

  1. Jason Williams: Trudy's Wumpus World
  2. Jeff Ifland: Consistency Based CSP Solver
  3. Jeff Iffland: Swarm Music
  4. Ryan Lim: Java Applets with Search

Catch of the class of Spring 2002

  1. Eric Moss: Artificial Intelligence in the WWW Virtual Library.
  2. Eric Moss: Parenthetically Speaking (with Kent M. Pitman)
  3. Jason (Soon-Myung) Lee: Free LispWorks from Xanalys
  4. Eric Moss: Huffman code in Common Lisp (with interface in Lispworks to display the tree). Code written by Eric (ask him,, for a newer version).
  5. Eric Moss: Paul Graham puts his book On Lisp available on-line.  Also made available locally for your convenience.
  6. From the News: Lisp Success Stories
  7. Jason Ryan: Terrarium (defunct)
  8. Michael Dreesen: xemacs , trial ACL .
  9. Tibor Moldovan: Great speech on LISP, Beating the Averages
  10. Jay Schroeder: KR projects: MindPixel vs CYC
  11. Alpha-beta animation (defunct)

Catch of the class of Spring 2001

  1. Michael Dreesen: CMU Common Lisp, xemacs, trial ACL.
  2. Tibor Moldovan: Great speech about LISP, Beating the Averages
  3. (Defunct) Jay Schroeder: KR projects: MindPixel  vs CYC
  4. (Defunct) Robert Glaubius:  Alpha-beta animation