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Our paper in SIGCSE’2017 has been selected as one of the CS education research exemplary papers. Shell, D., L.-K. Soh, A. E. Flanigan, M. Peteranetz, and E. Ingraham (to appear). “Improving Students’ Learning and Achievement in CS Classrooms through Computational Creativity Exercises that Integrate Computational and Creative Thinking”

Professor Leen-Kiat Soh has been selected for the inaugural group of fellows for the Teaching Academy of the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Nebraska. See news1 and new2.

Professor Leen-Kiat Soh helped co-found the CodeLNK group to promote K-12 CS education and outreach here in the city of Lincoln, NE. The group has just had a successful event drawing almost 500 participants during the CS Education Week.

Congratulations to Shilpa Khanal who successfully defended a M.S. Thesis titled “Towards Building a Review Recommendation System that Trains Novices by Leveraging the Actions of Experts” in December 2016.

Congratulations to Abe and Markeya! We have just received word that our manuscript “Implicit Intelligence Beliefs of Computer Science Students: Exploring Change across the Semester”, reporting our results from the IC2Think CS education project, has been accepted to the prestigious Contemporary Educational Psychology journal.

Our work in intelligent image analysis has also just received another round of funding, from Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMSL). This is joint work with Dr. Liz Lorang here at UNL and Dr. John O’Brien of University of Virginia! This will extend our Aida project.

We have received additional funding to extend our NSF CRN work on Survey Informatics! This is together with Dr. Kristen Olson, Dr. Bob Belli, and Dr. Jolene Smyth.

Professors Leen-Kiat Soh and Steve Cooper have co-founded the Research and Innovation in Computer Education (RICE) Laboratory. Please check us out at

We have just successfully concluded our IDEAS’2016 Workshop at AAMAS, Singapore. IDEAS’2016

Our group has received a new grant from NGA to predict social unrest, with Dr. Deepti Joshi of Citadel, and Dr. Ashok Samal and Dr. Regina Werum here at University of Nebraska. The project name is SURGE. It is a two-year grant.