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Together with collaborators Deepti Joshi, Ashok Samal, Regina Werum, and Mike Hayes, we have received new funding from the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency to expand our work on anticipating social unrest!

We recently received new funding from the Library of Congress to continue to work on our intelligent analysis of historical documents. Ph.D. students Yi Liu and Mike Pack are now in Washington, D.C. to work with the Library of Congress. They will be there for six weeks.

The RICE Lab recently presented two technical papers at SIGCSE’2019, presented a poster at RESPECT’2019, presented a poster at the CSforAll RPP session at SIGSCE’2019, organized a successful workshop on computational creativity at SIGCSE’2019, and presented the IC2Think project at the NSF Showcase at the conference.

The IAMAS research lab now has members: Yi Xia, Yi Liu, Mike Pack, and Kyle Janvrin. Check out

Professor Soh is now a Co-PI and collaborator on the NSF NRT-funded project with a research focus on resilience. Visit

Welcome to Patrick Morrow, Emma Hubka and Dana Hoppe to the Research and Innovation in Computing Education (RICE) Lab (!

Together with PI Behzad Esmaeili of George Mason University, and Mike Dodd (UNL), Professor Soh (as Co-PI) received funding to do research in intelligent decision making, from NSF Decision, Risk, and Management Sciences, “Collaborative Research: Measuring Attention, Working Memory, and Visual Perception to Reduce Risk of Injuries in the Construction Industry”

Professor Soh received two recent grants on Teacher Preparation:

1. With PI Amanda Thomas of UNL, Soh as Co-PI received the NSF Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program, “NebraskaSTEM: Supporting Elementary Rural Teacher Leadership”.

2. With PI Guy Trainin of UNL, Soh as Co-PI received the Google’s CS Teachers Professioanl Development grant, “Computer Science in Rural […]

The special issue on Computing in Engineering edited by Professor Leen-Kiat Soh is now available at IEEE Transactions on Education, volume 61, issue no. 3

We have recently published the following journal papers:

Soh, L.-K., and S. Cooper (2018). Guest Editorial Special Issue on Computing in Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Education, 61(3):165-166.

Peteranetz, M. S., A. E. Flanigan, D. F. Shell, and L.-K. Soh (2018). Helping Engineering Students Learn in Introductory Computer Science (CS1) Using Computational Creativity Exercises (CCEs), IEEE […]