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Professor Leen-Kiat Soh received NSF IUSE funding for the CS FUTURES project, together with an interdisciplinary team (Prof. Guy Trainin, Prof. Gwen Nugent, Prof. Wendy Smith, Prof. Brian Dorn, at UNL and UNO) and partners at Southeast Community College, Metropolitan Community College, and Western Nebraska Community College. The project officially started in September 2024.

Congratulations to Praval Sharma! Praval successfully defended his Doctoral Dissertation on July 29, 2024!

Welcome to Ceferino Patino, Tyler Billings, and Alireza Saleh Abadi to the IAMAS group. They are part of the OASYS project with University of Georgia and Oberlin College.

Professor Soh and his collaborators Professors Adam Eck and Prashant Doshi have published a research article on agent decision making in open environments: Eck, A., L.-K. Soh, and P. Doshi (2023). Decision Making in Open Agent Systems, AI Magazine, pp. 1-16, Video:

The Computational Creativity Exercises team has published the final paper documenting their work on how student learn about CS. This paper is about the relationship between implicit intelligence beliefs and self-regulation of learning. Flanigan, A. E., M. Peteranetz, D. Shell, and L.-K. Soh (2023).  Relationship between Implicit Intelligence Beliefs and Maladaptive Self-Regulation of Learning, ACM Transactions on Computing Education23(3):1-23,

The Aida team that has worked on historical document analysis has published an article documenting our work: L.-K. Soh, E. Lorang, C. Pack, and Y. Liu (2023). Applying Image Analysis and Machine Learning to Historical Newspaper Collections, The American Historical Review128(3):1382-1389, September.

Our team published a new paper that uses a novel, intelligent image processing technique to analyze document images: Pack, C., L.-K. Soh, and E. Lorang (2023). Perceptual Cue-Guided Adaptive Image Downscaling for Enhanced Semantic Segmentation on Large Document Image, International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition,

Congratulations to Dr. Chulwoo Pack, who is now an Assistant Professor at the South Dakota State University!

Congratulations to Yi Liu. Yi Liu successfully defended his doctoral dissertation “Image Processing Powered Convolutional Neural Network for Document Images and Beyond” in July and graduated with his Ph.D. in CS this August. Congratulations! Yi will become a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the University of Nebraska to lead projects that combine image processing and machine learning techniques to better understand documents of cultural heritages.

Professor Soh served as a Program Co-Chair for two years with the ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium, 2022 (Providence, RI) and 2023 (Toronto, Canada). As part of his responsibilities as a Program Co-Chair, he helped edit the two conference proceedings: Proceedings of the 53rd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education v. 1 and v.2; and Proceedings of the 54th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education v. 1 and v.2.