
Admin & Pointers

  1. Course Syllabus, our 'contract.'
  2. Introduction and rules: Instructor notes #1 (PDF).
  3. PacMan Wiki.


  1. What is AI? by John McCarthy (PS, PDF).
  2. Quick historical notes: Instructor notes #2 (PDF).
  3. A Little Bit of Lisp: Instructor notes #3 (PDF).
  4. Intelligent Agents: Instructor notes #4 (PDF).
  5. Solving Problems by Searching: Instructor notes #5 (PDF).
  6. Uninformed Search: Instructor notes #6 (PDF).
  7. Heuristic Search: Instructor notes #7 (PDF).
  8. Local Search: Instructor notes #8 (PDF).
  9. PacMan(R) Optional Project: Description (PPT).
  10. Adversarial Search: Instructor notes #9 (PDF).
  11. Constraint Satisfaction: Instructor notes #10 (PDF).
  12. Discussion of NP Completeness
  13. Logical Agents I: Instructor notes #11 (PDF).
  14. Logical Agents 2: Instructor notes #12 (PDF).
  15. First-Order Logic: Instructor notes #13 (PDF).
  16. Inference in First-Order Logic: Instructor notes #14 (PDF).
  17. Instructor notes (incomplete): Planning (PPT).

Last modified: Wed Apr 14 15:04:36 CDT 2010