Congratulations to Yi Liu for having one of this papers accepted to the Journal of Electronic Imaging.
Congratulations to Yi Liu for having one of this papers accepted to the Journal of Electronic Imaging. Professor Leen-Kiat Soh is a program co-chair for SIGCSE Technical Symposium 2022, to be held in Providence, Rhode Island, US. Please check out the conference website at: Professor Leen-Kiat Soh recently presented a poster, on behalf of his AIR@NE team, at ASEE’2021, as part of an NSF-organized session. Soh, L.-K., G. Nugent, W. Smith, G. Trainin, J. Sutton, and K. Steen (2021). A Comprehensive Professional Development Program for K-8 Teachers to Teach Computer Science, Proceedings of the 2021 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, virtual, July 26-29. Our team is publishing two papers at FIE’2021, one with collaborators Colin Maly and Suzette Person on software engineering education, one with collaborators at AIR@NE on K-8 teacher professional development to teach CS.
Professor Leen-Kiat Soh is a general co-chair for FIE’2021, October 13-16, 2021. Please check out the conference at Professor Leen-Kiat Soh has joined the Center for Brain, Biology and Behavior at UNL as a resident faculty. Please check out the center at: Our AIR@NE project has completed its summer professional development institute for Cohort 3 of K-8 school teachers in Nebraska. See Two papers of ours, with former post-doctoral researcher Markeya Peteranetz, and current graduate student Patrick Morrow, have been accepted to SIGCSE’2020, to be presented in March, 2020, in Portland, OR. The paper titles are: “Development and Validation of the Computational Thinking Concepts and Skills Test”, and “A Multi-level Analysis of the Relationship between Instructional Practices and Retention in Computer Science”. Our paper, in collaboration with researchers from Oberlin College (Prof. Adam Eck) and University of Georgia (Prof. Prashant Doshi), has been accepted to AAAI’2020, to be presented in New York, NY, in February. The paper title is: Scalable Decision-Theoretic Planning in Open and Typed Multiagent Systems. |
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