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Computer Science is about how to design computers to do things for us; Artificial Intelligence is about how to design computers to think for us; Machine Learning is about how to design computers to come up with what they should do and think for us; Multiagent Systems is about how to design computers to do things and think for a group of us.” – Leen-Kiat Soh, 2003


Intelligent Agents and Multiagent Systems Group (IAMAS) 

Research in Computing Education (RICE) Lab

Image Analysis for Archival Discovery (AIDA)


Multiagent Planning in Open Environments

Analyzing and Modeling Social Unrest

AIR@NE: Professional Development for K-12 CS Teachers



Geocomputing and Decision Support for Water Resources

The Written Agora

Renaissance Computing

NCRN: Survey Informatics and Smart Instruments

Intelligent Learning Object Guide (iLOG)


Reinventing CS Curriculum Project

Conference XP-Powered I-MINDS; Java I-MINDS

Intelligent Learning Materials Delivery Agent (ILMDA)
The Affinity Learning Project

Intelligent Joint Evolution of Data and Information (IJEDI)

Girl Empowerment and Mentoring (GEM)

Semantic Cyberinfrastructure for Investigation and Discovery (SCID)

DARPA ANTS Program: The Case-Based Reflective Negotiation Model Project (with Costas Tsatsoulis) (1999 — 2002)

The Sea Ice Image Analysis Project; ASIS, AMIE, FloeMIZ, ARKTOS (M.S. and Ph.D. research, with Costas Tsatsoulis) (1992 – 2001)