We have recently published the following journal papers:
Soh, L.-K., and S. Cooper (2018). Guest Editorial Special Issue on Computing in Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Education, 61(3):165-166.
Peteranetz, M. S., A. E. Flanigan, D. F. Shell, and L.-K. Soh (2018). Helping Engineering Students Learn in Introductory Computer Science (CS1) Using Computational Creativity Exercises (CCEs), IEEE Transactions on Education, 61(3):195-203. Special Issue on Computing in Engineering.
Foruzan, E., L.-K. Soh, and S. Asgarpoor (to appear). Reinforcement Learning Approach for Optimal Distributed Energy Management in a Microgrid, accepted to IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.
Peteranetz, M., A. Flanigan, D. F. Shell, and L.-K. Soh (2018). Career Aspirations, Perceived Instrumentality, and Achievement in Undergraduate Computer Science, Contemporary Educational Psychology, 53:27-44.
Stevens, J. R., and L.-K. Soh (2018). Predicting Similarity Judgments in Intertemporal Choice with Machine Learning, Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 25:627-635.