CXP-Powered I-MINDS Capabilities |
We built a suite
of I-MINDS Conference XP capabilities, from May 2005 to February 2006. We grouped these capabilities as I-MINDS
Conference XP Capabilities 1.0.
In May 2006, we
released I-MINDS
Conference XP Capabilities 2.0. In
this version, we overhauled the way we handled mySQL
queries---improving the programmability of the software. We also modified the interface significantly
to include more support for both teachers and students in reviewing the data
collected by I-MINDS.
In December
2006, we released I-MINDS
Conference XP Capabilities 3.0. In
this version, we merged our main capabilities into one. We also focused a lot of effort to address
some wireless
deployment issues, including implementing a PGM protocol.
In September
2007, we released I-MINDS
Conference XP Capabilities 4.0. In
this version, had several primary goals: 1) build a system robust enough to
operate in both wired and wireless environments, 2) extend the existing functionalities to
include 2 new modes – StructuredChat and QuizMode, 3) reorganize the agent functionalities into
specialties which are components that specialize in one area of tasks, 4)
create an XML configuration file to give users more flexibility in setting
options, 5) add network tracking for PGM and wireless environments, and 6) redo
the main CXP+I-MINDS form to offer more functionality and be more user
friendly. All coding for 4.0 was moved
to Visual Studio 2005 to use .NET 2.0 and be compliant with CXP version
4.0. Statistic tracking was also redone
to provide less reliance on database queries and faster performance, and the
statistical analysis tools were redone to offer better user interfaces and to
take advantage of the new tracking mechanisms.
Finally, BuddyGroup was renamed to BuddyChat to avoid confusion when talking about the
application and groups of buddies.