Date: March 1
Lecture: 18
Homework HW #9
MicroBlaze Tutorial on Digilent Website (2022.1 Vitis Version) MicroBlaze Vitis Tutorial
MicroBlaze Tutorial with CSCE 436 Deviations (2022.1 Vitis Version) MicroBlaze Vitis Tutorial
MicroBlaze Tutorial on Digilent Website (2019.1 SDK Version) MicroBlaze SDK Tutorial
MicroBlaze Tutorial with CSCE 436 Deviations (2019.1 SDK Version) MicroBlaze SDK Tutorial
Supplemental Lesson Slides for VitisCSCE_436_Lec18_Vitis.pptx
Supplemental Lesson Slides for SDKCSCE_436_Lec18.pptx
Code Lec18.c (Initial Hello World)
Lec18_v2.c (Example code to interface with GPIO LEDs)


The goal of today's class is to bring you up to speed on how to instantiate a microBlaze processor on our Artix 7, integrate a custom piece of VHDL code to the processor, and then to write some C code to run on the microBlaze to control the custom VHDL module. Here are some specifications on the microBlaze processor: The following image was copied from the "MicroBlaze Processor Reference Guide" and summarizes the major features of the processor.

The rest of the class will be devoted to getting the microBlaze to work.

Tutorial Overview

In this tutorial, you will be introduced to the tool flow for simple MicroBlaze designs. Specifically, you will create a design that continuously reads the input from UART and writes that value to the LEDs. The UART will be connected from the FPGA to your computer via a micro USB cable.

You will follow the Vitis tutorial here step by step.

Deviations from the Vitis Tutorial

You will follow the SDK tutorial here step by step.

Deviations from the SDK Tutorial

After Completing the Tutorial Hello World

Once you complete the MicroBlaze Tutoral and get Hello World to display on your terminal. This will allow you to echo values received on the UART

  • If you updated your hardware design then re-export your design to SDK/Vitis and then update your Hardware Specification Design if using Vitis.
  • Add the lec18.c code at the top of the page to your helloworld.c in your SDK project.
  • Program the FPGA with your new bitfile and elf file and run the configuration.
  • Run your favorite terminal program to verify that the FPGA is echoing your characters to your terminal and the LEDs.
  • Note: look through the headers and the xuartlite_l.h file to see the different options you have to read from and write to the UART. These are just simple macros that provide you shortcuts to perform memory operations. All of this should be review from when we first introduced you to the C programming language.
  • Update Hardware/Software for LED GPIO

    Finally, you will write software that reads in a value from UART, echoes that value to the UART and LEDs.

  • Program the FPGA with your new bitfile and elf file and run the configuration.
  • Run your favorite terminal program to verify that the FPGA is echoing your characters to your terminal and the LEDs.
  • Note: look through the xgpio.h file to see the different options you have to read from and write to GPIOs. These are just simple macros that provide you shortcuts to perform memory operations.
  • Conclusion

    We have covered quite a lot of ground in this tutorial. It is critical that you understand each step of this development process, as this is critical to your next lab and the final project. Be sure you ask your instructor if you are unsure about anything we covered in this tutorial. Specifically, you should understand the following: