Homework #9


  1. Complete the tutorial given in Lesson 18 to write to your UART and display the "Welcome to Lecture 18" on your terminal. Change it to include your name and read "Welcome to Lecture 18 - Your_Name". Upload a picture of your terminal to Canvas.
    • Note: You have to download Lec18.c for this part (Initial Hello World).
  2. Upon completion of the MicroBlaze Tutorial you with then add in GPIO LEDs into your hardware design and build the software that reads in a value from UART, echoes that value to the UART and LEDs. Upload a picture of the GPIO added to the Lecture 18 block diagram.
    • Note: You have to download Lec18_v2.c for this part (Example code to interface with GPIO LEDs).
  3. Prepare a video demo your circuit by the beginning of Lesson 19. Upload a link to the video demo to Canvas. Upload your Lecture_18 project folder to BitBucket.
  4. Additionally, start a new MicroBlaze Project for Lecture 19 all the way through exporting to the SDK for Hello World. Don't implement the GPIO LEDs in that project.