Courses taught at UNL
Spring 2025:
Fall 2024:
Spring 2024:
Fall 2023:
Spring 2023:
Fall 2022:
Spring 2022:
Fall 2021:
Spring 2021:
Fall 2020:
Spring 2020:
Fall 2019:
Spring 2019:
Fall 2018:
Spring 2018:
Fall 2017:
Spring 2017:
Fall 2016:
Spring 2016:
Fall 2015:
Summer 2015:
Spring 2015:
Introduction to
Artificial Intelligence (CSCE 476/876), 23 students (15
ugrads, 7 grads), 3 credit hours.
Advanced Constraint
Processing--Tractability (CSCE 921), 5 students (0
ugrads, 5 grads), 3 credit hours.
- Ordering Heuristics (CSCE 999), 1 grad,
3 credit hours
- Heuristics for dynamic algorithms selection (CSCE 999), 1 grad,
3 credit hours
Fall 2014:
Foundations of
Constraint Processing (CSCE 421/821), 16 students (8 ugrads,
8 grads), 3 credit hours.
Dynamic AND/OR Search (CSCE 999), 1 grad,
3 credit hours
Adaptive Methods for Constraint Propagation (CSCE 999), 1 grad,
3 credit hours
Modeling and Solving 2D Puzzles Using Constraints (CSCE 899), 1 grad,
3 credit hours
Summer 2014:
Adaptive Methods for Constraint Propagation (CSCE 999), 1 grad,
3 credit hours
Algorithms for Generalized Arc Consistency (CSCE 899), 1 grad,
1 credit hour
Spring 2014:
Heuristics for dynamic algorithms selection (CSCE 999), 1 grad,
9 credit hours
- CSCE899-001, Relation Bundling in Non-Binary CSPs (CSCE 899), 1
grad, 3 credit hours
- Algorithms for Generalized Arc Consistency (CSCE 899), 1
grad, 1 credit hour
- Modeling and Solving 2D Puzzles Using Constraints (CSCE 899),
grad, 3 credit hours
An Interactive Graphical Interface for Eternity II (CSCE 898), 1
grad, 3 credit hours
- Online Project Assignment Manager (OPRAM) (CSCE 897), 1
grad, 6 credit hours
- A Portfolio Approach for Consistency Propagation Algorithms in
CSPs (CSCE 399H), 1 ugrad, 3 credit hours
Fall 2013:
Study & Analysis of Constraints in Program Analysis (CSCE 999),
1 grad, 9 credit hours
- Algorithms for Generalized Arc Consistency (CSCE 899), 1
grad, 2 credit hours
- Constraint Modeling and Solving for Interactive
Clue (CSCE 899), 1 grad, 3 credit hours
- A Portfolio Approach for Consistency Propagation Algorithms in CSPs
(CSCE 399H), 1 ugrad, 3 credit hours
Summer 2013:
Study & Analysis of Constraints in Program Analysis (CSCE 999),
1 grad, 3 credit hours
Summer internship (CSCE 891), 2 grads, 1 credit hour
- Spring 2013:
- Discrete
Mathematics (CSCE 235), 45 students (45 ugrads), 3
credit hours
Constraint Processing (CSCE 921), 7 students (2 ugrads,
5 grads), 3 credit hours.
- Tree Decomposition for CSPs (CSCE 999), 1 grad, 1 credit hour
- Symmetry Dectection in CSPs (CSCE 999), 1 grad, 3 credit hours
- Relation Bundling for Non-Binary CSPs (CSCE899), 1 grad, 3 credit hours
- Interchangeability in Multi-Dimenstional CSPs (CSCE 899), 1 grad, 3
credit hours
- Online Project Assignment Manager (OPRAM) (CSCE898), 1
grad, 3 credit hours
- Conflict Analysis & Generalization in Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSCE399H), 1 ugrad, 3 credit hours
- Fall 2012:
Foundations of
Constraint Processing (CSCE 421/821).
- Tree Decomposition for CSPs (CSCE 999), 1 grad, 1 credit hour
- Symmetry Detection in CSPs (CSCE 999), 1 grad, 3
credit hours
- Relation Bundling for Non-Binary CSPs (CSCE899), 1 grad, 3
credit hours
- Conflict Analysis & Generalization in Constraint Satisfaction
Problems (CSCE 496H), 1 ugrad, 3 credit hours
Spring 2012:
- Discrete
Mathematics (CSCE 235), 34 students (34 ugrads), 3
credit hours
- Introduction to
Artificial Intelligence (CSCE 476/876), 26 students (21 ugrads,
5 grads), 3 credit hours
- Problem Solving with Constraints (CSCE 496H), 1 ugrad, 3
credit hours
- Problem Solving with Constraints II (CSCE 496), 3 ugrads,
3 credit hours
Path Consistency Algorithms for CSPs (CSCE 899), 1 grad, 3 credit hours
Tree Decomposition for CSPs (CSCE 999), 1 grad, 1 credit hour
Fall 2011:
- Problem
Solving with Constraints (CSCE 496/896), 9 students (8 ugrads,
1 grad), 3 credit hours
Modeling, Reformulation, and Reasoning with Constraints (CSCE 898), 1 grad, 3 credit hours
Consistency Methods in Constraint Processing (CSCE 899), 1 grad, 3 credit hours
Path Consistency Algorithms for CSPs (CSCE 899), 1 grad, 3 credit hours
Structure-Guided Constraint Propagation (CSCE 996), 1 grad, 3 credit hours
Tree Decomposition for CSPs (CSCE 999), 1 grad, 1 credit hour
Spring 2011:
Fall 2010:
- Discrete Mathematics
(CSCE 235), xx students (xx ugrads, xx grad), 3 credit hours
Tree Decomposition in CSPs (CSCE 999), 1 grad, 9 credit hours
Consistency Methods in CSPs (CSCE 996), 1 grad, 3 credit hours
Highly Distributed Real-Time Agent (CSCE 491), 1 ugrad, 3 credit hours
Spring 2010:
- Discrete
Mathematics (CSCE 235), 30 students (29 ugrads, 1 grad), 3
credit hours
- Introduction to
Artificial Intelligence (CSCE 476/876), 15 students (7 ugrads,
8 grads), 3 credit hours
Consistency Methods in Constraint Satisfaction (CSCE 999), 1 grad, 3 credit hours
Symmetry in CSPs (CSCE 996), 3 grads, 3 credit hours
Fall 2009:
Constraint Processing (CSCE 990-02), 3 grads, 3
undergrads 3 credit hours
Consistency Methods in Constraint Satisfaction (CSCE 999), 1 grad, 6 credit hours
Computer Games in Computer Science
(CSCE 496-005), 2 ugrads, 2 credit hours
Implementation of a Computer Game (CSCE 496-006), 2 ugrads,1 credit hour
Basic Concepts and Algorithms in Constraint Processing (CSCE 896), 3 grads,2 credit hours
Study and Evaluation of Efficient Constraint Propagation Algorithms
(CSCE 996), 3 grads,1 credit hour
Summer 2009:
Foundations of Constraint Processing (CSCE 996), 1 grad, 3
credit hours
Consistency Methods in Constraint Satisfaction (CSCE 999), 1 grad, 3 credit hours
Senior Design Project (CSCE 491), 1 ugrad, 3credit hours
Spring 2009:
- Foundations
of Constraint Processing (CSCE 421/821), 10 students (6 ugrads, 4
grads), 3 credit hours
- Introduction to
Artificial Intelligence (CSCE 476/876), 14 students (11 ugrads,
3 grads), 3 credit hours
Tree-Decomposition Methods for Solving CSPS
(CSCE 996), 1 grad, 5 credit hours
Consistency Methods in Constraint Satisfaction (CSCE 999), 1
grad, 3 credit hours
Fall 2008:
- Discrete
Mathematics (CSCE 235), 30 students (30 ugrads, 0 grad), 3
credit hours
Tree-Decomposition Methods for Solving CSPS
(CSCE 996), 1 grad, 3 credit hours
Summer 2008:
Tree-Decomposition in CSPS (CSCE 996), 1 grad, 3 credit hours
Spring 2008:
Fall 2007:
- Discrete
Mathematics (CSCE 235), 27 students (27 ugrads, 0 grad), 3
credit hours
Databases and Constraint Processing
(CSCE 996), 1 grad, 3 credit hours
Spring 2007:
Structural Decomposition Methods for Constraint Satisfaction Problems
(CSCE 999), 1 grad, 1 credit hour
Consistency Techniques (CSCE 399H), 1 ugrad, 3 credit hours
Data Fusion from Web Sources
(USC, directed research), 1 grad,2 credit hours
Graphical Data Acquisition for Combinatorial Games
(USC, directed research), 1 grad,1 credit hour
Fall 2006:
Structural Decomposition Methods for Constraint Satisfaction Problems
(CSCE 999), 1 grad,1 credit hour
Constraint Processing for Scatter Chart Labeling (CSCE 899), 1
grad, 6 credit hours
Summer 2006:
Structural Decomposition Methods for Constraint Satisfaction Problems
(CSCE 999), 1 grad, 3 credit hours
- Constraint Processing for Geospatial Reasoning (CSCE 996), 1
grad, 3 credit hours
- Interactive Problem Solving (CSCE 996), 1 grad, 3
credit hours
- Constraint Processing Techniques in Combinatorial Games (CSCE
496H), 1 undergrad, 3 credit hours
- Constraint Processing Techniques in Combinatorial Games (CSCE
399H), 1 undergrad, 3 credit hours
Spring 2006:
- Introduction
to Artificial Intelligence (CSCE 476/876), 12 students (9 ugrads,
3 grads), 3 credit hours
- Discrete
Mathematics (CSCE 235), 15 students (14 ugrads, 1 grad), 3
credit hours
Decomposition Methods for CSPs (CSCE 999), 1 grad, 6
credit hours
Interactive Problem Solving (CSCE 897), 1 grad, 6
credit hours
Constraint Processing Techniques in Combinatorial Games (CSCE 496H),
1 undergrad, 3 credit hours
Fall 2005:
of Constraint Processing (CSCE 421/821), 6 students (1 ugrad,
5 grads), 3 credit hours
Decomposition Methods for CSPs (CSCE 999), 1 grad, 5
credit hours
Interactive Problem Solving (CSCE 996), 1 grad, 3
credit hours
Summer 2005:
Breaking Symmetries During Search (CSCE 897), 1 grad, 2
credit hours
Breaking Symmetries During Search (CSCE 897), 1 grad, 1
credit hours
Spring 2005:
to Artificial Intelligence (CSCE 476/876), 26 students (17 ugrads,
9 grads), 3 credit hours
Neighborhood Interchangeability for Non-Binary CSPs and DataBases (CSCE 899), 1 grad, 1
credit hours
Using Maximal Independent Sets to Decompose a CSP (CSCE 899), 1 grad, 5
credit hours
Decomposition Methods for CSPs (CSCE 999), 1 grad, 5
credit hours
Fall 2004:
of Constraint Processing (CSCE 421/821), 10 students (4 ugrad,
6 grads), 3 credit hours
Dynamic Bundling and applications to databases (CSCE 899), 1
grad, 1 credit hour
Decomposition of Non-Binary CSPs (CSCE 999), 1 grad, 1
credit hour
Summer 2004:
Improving Stochastic Local Search Using Maximal Independent Sets (CSCE
899), 1 grad, 1 credit hour
Interchangeability in Non-Binary CSPS and applications to Databases (CSCE
899), 1 grad, 3 credit hours
Decomposition of Non-Binary CSPs (CSCE 999), 1 grad, 3
credit hours
Spring 2004:
to Artificial Intelligence (CSCE 476/876), 23 students (18 ugrads,
5 grads), 3 credit hours
Interactive Problem Solving (CSCE 897), 1 grad, 6 credit hours
Selective Query Processing (CSCE 996), 1 grad, 1 credit hour
Advanced Systematic Search Techniques for Overconstrained Problems (CSCE
899), 1 grad, 1 credit hour
Computation of Interchangeability in Finite CSPs (CSCE
899), 1 grad, 3 credit hours
Investigation of Constraint Processing Techniques for Join
Optimization (CSCE 996), 1 grad, 3 credit hours
Fall 2003:
of Constraint Processing (CSCE 421/821), 21 students (7 ugrad,
14 grads), 3 credit hours
Lab Meeting , xx students (1 ugrad, xx grads), 0 credit hours
- Decomposition Techniques (CSCE 896), 1 grad, 3 credit hours
- Iterative Improvement Techniques for Tightly Constrained
Satisfaction Problems (CSCE 899), 1 grad, 1 credit hour
- Stochastic Systematic Search (CSCE 899), 1 grad, 1
credit hours
- View Materialization in Databases (CSCE 996), 1 grad, 3
credit hours
- Masters project (CSCE 897), 1 grad, 3 credit hours
Summer 2003:
Iterative Search Techniques for Solving Over-Constrained CSPs (CSCE
899), 1 grad, 3 credit hours
Discovering Symmetries in Planning (CSCE 899), 1 grad, 3
credit hours
Interactive Problem Solving (CSCE 899), 1 grad, 3 credit hours
CSP and DB Techniques (CSCE 996), 1 grad, 3 credit hours
Planning Techniques in Computer Animation (CSCE 996), 1 grad, 3
credit hours
Spring 2003:
Constraint Processing (CSCE 990-06), 10 students (0 ugrads, 10 grads),
3credit hours
to Artificial Intelligence (CSCE 476/876), 40 students (22 ugrads,
18 grads), 3 credit hours
for Computer Scientists (CSCE 996 CommCS),
12 students (0 ugrads,
12 grads), 1 credit hour
Advanced Systematic Search Techniques for Overconstrained Problems (CSCE
899), 1 grad, 5 credit hours
Study and Comparison of Consistency Algorithms (CSCE 897), 1 grad,
3 credit hours
Local Search Techniques for Overconstrained Problems (CSCE 899), 1 grad,
3 credit hours
- Temporal Reasoning (CSCE 899), 1 grad, 9 credit hours
Discovering Symmetries in Planning (CSCE 899), 1 grad, 3credit hours
Fall 2002:
of Constraint Processing (CSCE 421/821), 30 students (11 ugrad,
19 grads), 3 credit hours
Local Search Techniques in Constrained Optimization (CSCE 899), 1 student,
3 credit hours
Abstractions in Planning (CSCE 899). 1 grad, 3credit hours
Constraint Algorithms for Temporal Constraint Problems (CSCE 996), 1
grad, 3credit hours
Temporal Reasoning (CSCE 899), 1 grad, 3 credit hours.
Summer 2002:
Constraints in Computer Animation (CSCE 996), 1 grad, 1 credit hour
Constraints in Computer Animation (CSCE 996), 1 grad, 1 credit hour
Temporal Reasoning (CSCE 996). 1 grad, 3 credit hours
Constraint Modeling and Reformulation (CSCE 996 ). 1 grad. 1 credit hour.
Reformulation of Decomposable Constraints (CSCE 996). 1 grad. 1 credit hour
Handling Preferences with Local Search Techniques (CSCE996). 1 grad,
3 credit hours
Spring 2002:
Fall 2001:
of Constraint Satisfaction
(CSCE 421/821).
19 students, 3 credit hours.
A Constraint Processing Approach to Assigning Graduate Teaching Assistants
to Courses (CSCE 496H), 1 ugrad, 3 credit hours
Summer 2001:
Discovering Symmetries in Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSCE899). 1
grad, 3 credit hours.
Mobile Communications (CSCE996). 1 grad, 3 credit hours.
Spring 2001:
Fall 2000: Foundations of
Constraint Satisfaction (CSCE 990). 2 grads (0 ugrad, 2 grads),
3 credit hours.
Summer 2000: Advanced AI Planning (CSCE 496). 1 grad, 3 credit hours.
Spring 2000: Introduction
to Artificial Intelligence (CSCE 476/876). 30-40 students, 3
credit hours.
Fall 1999: Theory and Practice
of Constraint Satisfaction (CSCE 990-05). 5 students (0 ugrad, 5
grads), 3 credit hours.
Berthe Y. Choueiry
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