Homework #5


  1. Draw a detailed diagram of the oscilloscope grid required for Lab1. A detailed diagram must be drawn on green engineering paper and include
    • (x,y) corners of the monitor.
    • (x,y) each of the four major corners (already given).
    • y-coordinates for all the major horizontal grid lines.
    • (x,y) coordinates for one set of three horizontal of hatch marks. Indicate with an arrow which set of three.
    • x-coordinates for al the major vertical grid lines.
    • (x,y) coordinates for one set of four vertical of hatch marks. Indicate with an arrow which set of four.
  2. Given that the pixel clock is running at 25Mhz, add the durations and counts of the h_synch and v_synch signals show in Lab1. Set time=0 on the blue dashed line on the left side of the region labeled "Active Video". You should add durations and counts for all blue lines.