Abualia, Sayed Khalil Ibrahim; Wisniewska, Anna; Ghose, Nirnimesh, "Gradient Boost enhanced Artificial Immune System algorithm for adaptive DDoS attack detection in IoT," in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC): Communication and Information System Security Symposium, Montreal, Canada, pp. 1 - 6, Jun. 8 to 12, 2025.
Duong, Truc T.; Wisniewska, Anna; Ghose, Nirnimesh, "Poster: Reciprocal Altruism as a Rogue Node Detection Mechanism in Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks," in Proc. of IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (IEEE CCNC), Las Vegas, NV, pp. 1 - 2, Jan. 06 to 09, 2024.
Duong, Truc T.; Wisniewska, Anna; Ghose, Nirnimesh, "Bio-inspired Decentralized Rogue Node Detection in Fair Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks," in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (CICN), Al-Khobar, KSA, pp. 743 - 747, Dec. 04 to 06, 2022.
Wisniewska, Anna; Ghose, Nirnimesh; Khan, Bilal, "Evaluation of a Bio-Socially Inspired Secure DSA Scheme Using Testbed-Calibrated Hybrid Simulations," in Proc. of 12th IEEE Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEEE IEMCON 2021), Virtual Event, pp. 0934 - 0939, Oct. 27 to 30, 2021.
Ghose, Nirnimesh; Lazos, Loukas, "Verifying ADS-B navigation information through Doppler shift measurements," in Proc. of 2015 IEEE/AIAA 34th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC 2015), Prague, Czech Republic , pp. 4A2-1 - 4A2-11, Sept. 13-17, 2015. (2nd place best graduate student paper award)