CSCE475H Multiagent Systems Spring 2015
Reading 1: Jennings, N.R., l. Moreau, D. Nicholson, S. Ramchurn, S.
Roberts, T. Rodden, and A. Rogers (2014). Human-Agent Collectives,
Communications of the ACM, vol. 57, no. 12, pp. 80-88. (January 13,
Reading 2: Guizzo, E. (2015). A Robot in the Family, IEEE Spectrum, January, pp. 29-31, 56. (January 15, 2015)
Reading 3: Schneider, D. (2015). Flying Selfie Bots, IEEE Spectrum, January, pp.
49-51. (January 15, 2015)
Reading 4: Ross, P. E. (2015). Thus Spoke the Autobahn, IEEE Spectrum, January,
pp. 52-55. (January 15, 2015)
Reading 5: Yliniemi, L., A. K. Agogino, and K. Tummer (2015).
Multirobot Coordination for Space Exploration, AI Magazine, vol. 35,
no. 4, pp. 61-74. (January 15, 2015)
More on poker agents using Nash Equilibrium from the poker group at University of
Alberta, Canada. In particular:
Reading 7: M. W. Macy and R. Willer (2002). From Factors to Actors: Computational
Sociology and Agent-Based Modeling, Annual Review of Sociology, vol. 28, pp.
143-166 (March 2, 2015)
On the new AI vs. human poker:
Pittsburgh paper article (with a bit of info on the others):
CMU article (extended version) : LINK
Project page with current standings (and live video streaming): LINK