3. Journal Article
Temel, S., M. C. Vuran, M. M. R. Lunar, Z. Zhao, A. Salam, R. K. Faller, and C. Stolle,
"Vehicle-to-Barrier Communication During Real-World Vehicle Crash Tests",
Computer Communications (Elsevier), 2018.
4. Conference Proceedings
Zhao, Z., M. C. Vuran, Z. Aref, W. Humphrey, S. Goddard, G. Attebury, B. France, B. Zhou, and M. M. R. Lunar,
"A City-Wide Experimental Testbed for Next Generation Wireless Networks",
IEEE Int. Balkan Conference on Communications and Networking (BalkanCom’19), Skopje, North Macedonia, June 2019.
Download: Balkan19_Testbed.pdf (895.41 KB)
Zhao, Z., M. C. Vuran, D. Batur, and E. Ekici,
"Ratings for Spectrum: Impacts of TV Viewership on TV Whitespace",
IEEE Globecom 2014, Austin, TX, IEEE, pp. 941-947, Dec. 2014.
6. Poster/Demo
Rempe, D., M. Snyder, A. Pracht, A. Schwarz, T. Nguyen, M. Vostrez, Z. Zhao, and M. C. Vuran,
"A Cognitive Radio TV Prototype for Effective TV Spectrum Sharing",
2017 IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN), Baltimore, MD, IEEE, pp. 117-118, 03/2017.