Shuai Nie
I joined the School of Computing as an assistant professor in August 2021.
Ph.D., Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, May 2021.
M.S., Electrical Engineering, New York University, May 2014.
B.S., Telecommunications Engineering, Xidian University, June 2012.
- Millimeter-wave (mmWave) and terahertz (THz)-band communications.
- Joint communications and sensing.
- Satellite communications and networks.
- Wireless channel modeling and signal processing.
- Internet of Things.
For on-going funded research projects, see Projects.
Awards and Honors
- College of Engineering Scholarship of Engagement Fellow, 2025–2027.
- NSF CAREER Award, 2024.
- College of Engineering Excellence in Research Award, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2024.
- Ranked among Stanford/Elsevier Top 2% Scientists, 2024.
- Joyce R. Jeffries New Faculty Scholar Award, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2022.
- Student Choice Outstanding Teaching Award–Upper Level, School of Computing, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2022.
- Nebraska EPSCoR FIRST Award, 2021.
- Fellow of the Research Development Fellows Program, Office of Research and Economic Development, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2021.
- Researcher of the Year Award, Broadband Wireless Networking Laboratory, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2019.
- I am seeking self-motivated graduate students to work on mmWave and THz-band wireless communications. If you are interested, please send your resume and transcripts to shuainie ατ unl δοτ edu.