GC Image Users' Guide

Visualizing Image Data

GC Image has various utilities to view GCxGC image data. Users can: The following sections describe each of these facilities. Additional visualization tools for GCxGC images with mass spectra (GCxGC-MS) data are described in chapter GCxGC-MS Data. Additional visualization tools for blob data are described in the chapter Analysis.

Image View, Zoom, and Pan

The size of GCxGC images typically exceeds the capacity of the computer display monitor. Then, an entire image cannot be displayed at its full resolution. GC Image has two principal tools for viewing an image:

When an image is opened in GC Image, the lower-left sub-region of the image is displayed at 1x magnification in the Viewport of the Image Viewer. (See chapter Image Input and Output for instructions on opening an image.) At 1x magnification, each pixel value in the image is displayed with one pixel of the display device.

Resize the Image Viewer by grabbing the border or corner of the window and dragging it to a new position. When the Image Viewer is resized, more or less of the image is visible in the Viewport and the magnification (or scale) factor is not changed.

Change the magnification factor with the Scale Viewport control on the Image Viewer tool bar or in the Navigator, described in the next section. To change the magnification in the Scale Viewport control, select one of the values from the pull-down menu or enter the desired value in the text box. The Viewport image is magnified using bi-linear interpolation. Figure 1 pictures an open image with a sub-region displayed in the Viewport at 4x magnification.

Figure 1: The GC Image Image Viewer with a region of a GCxGC image.

When an image is opened in GC Image, the Image Viewer is in View Pixel cursor mode. In View Pixel cursor mode, as the cursor is moved about the image, the status bar at the bottom of the Image Viewer displays the abscissa (the X coordinate, along the first column dimension, displayed horizontally), the ordinate (the Y coordinate, along the second column dimension, displayed vertically), and the value of the pixel indicated by the cursor. (See Figure 1.) The axes units can be set to pixel units or time units, via Configure->Configure Settings on the Image Viewer menu bar. For time units, the abscissa is in minutes and the ordinate is in seconds.

In View Pixel cursor mode, it is possible to pan or navigate about the image by click-and-drag with the left mouse-button. For example, to slide the image to the left, depress the left mouse-button (with the cursor in the Viewport), move the mouse left, and release the left mouse-button. There is also a special navigation tool, the Navigator, described in the next section.

To return to View Pixel mode from another cursor mode, click the View Pixel mode button on the Image Viewer palette.


The Image Viewer supports full resolution and magnified views of the image, but only a sub-region of the image may be visible. The Navigator provides a "thumbnail" view of the entire image (typically at reduced resolution). The Navigator also provides an interface to visualize and relocate the region-of-interest (ROI) that is displayed in the Viewport of the Image Viewer. Figure 2 illustrates the Navigator.

Figure 2: The Navigator with ROI specification of the image in the Viewport.

Open the Navigator by clicking on the Navigator button on the Image Viewer tool bar or by selecting View->Navigator from the Image Viewer menu bar. Close the Navigator by dismissing the window.

The graphic rectangular box in the Navigator is the region-of-interest (ROI) that is displayed in the Viewport of the Image Viewer. The ROI can be relocated by using the mouse to grab the box and drag it to another location or via the Position Viewport button on the Navigator tool bar. The ROI can be resized by grabbing an edge or corner of the box and dragging it. When the ROI is relocated or resized, the image displayed in the Viewport is changed accordingly. Likewise, the ROI is relocated or resized when the Viewport is moved or the Scale Viewport setting on the Image Viewer tool bar is reset. A popup from the Navigator allows precise specification of the location for the ROI.

The size of the Navigator can be changed by grabbing and dragging the border or corner of the window. As the size is changed, the thumbnail image in the Navigator is resized to fit the window, changing the magnification and/or aspect ratio of the thumbnail image. The user can indicate whether the aspect ratio in the Navigator is maintained with a checkbox on the Navigator tool bar.


GCxGC images have one double-precision value for each pixel. A natural way of viewing images with one value per pixel is to use a grayscale, in which values are displayed from black to white in various shades of gray according to their magnitude, e.g., black for the pixels with smallest value and white for the pixels with largest value (or vice versa). A grayscale provides a clear ordering of values from small to large. Unfortunately, the human eye can distinguish only about 100 distinct gradations on a grayscale, so the fabulous range of values present in GCxGC images cannot be appreciated fully in grayscale.

Colorization allows the human eye to distinguish many more distinct gradations in a GCxGC image. Colorization uses three values to specify a color for each value in the image. Each pixel value is mapped through a color map to a corresponding color, so two pixels with the same values will be displayed with the same color and two pixels with different values may be displayed with different colors. With colorization, the ordering of values is not as straightforward as with a grayscale, but a good color mapping scheme can provide a clear progression. For example, topographic maps commonly use an ordering from small to large that progresses through dark blue, light blue, dark green, light green, light brown, dark brown, and red.

The GC Image Colorize tool allows user control over the color mapping. The Colorize tool supports:

Open the Colorize by either clicking the Colorize button on the Image Viewer tool bar or selecting View->Colorize on the Image Viewer menu bar. Figure 3 illustrates the Colorize window.

Figure 3: The GC Image Colorize tool.

The Colorize tool has several components:

Text View

The GC Image Text View tool provides a tabular view of the data values, as illustrated in Figure 4. Text View is available as a button on the Image Viewer tool bar and as View->Text View from the Image Viewer menu bar. Terminate Text View by dismissing the window.

Figure 4: The GC Image Text View tool.

If a rectangular region is selected using the Graphics tool (as described in chapter Graphics), then only the values in the selected rectangular region are shown in Text View. If a single blob is selected, then only the values in the bounding box of that blob are shown in Text View. Otherwise, the entire image is available, which can entail extensive scrolling.

If blobs have been detected for the image (as described in chapter Analysis) then Text View also reports the Blob ID at pixels that are a part of a blob and attempts to highlight the blobs using distinct colors for the text in each blob. Otherwise, if blobs have not been detected, the Text View shows all values in black text.

Three-Dimensional Perspective View

The GC Image 3D View tool provides a three-dimensional perspective view of the data values, as illustrated in Figure 5. 3D View is available as a button on the Image Viewer tool bar and as View->3D View from the Image Viewer menu bar. Terminate 3D View by dismissing the window.

Figure 5: The GC Image 3D View tool.

In 3D View, translate the image by click-and-drag with the right mouse-button; rotate the image by click-and-drag with the left mouse-button; and zoom (or scale) the image by click-and-drag with the middle mouse-button. Geometric operations in three-dimensional perspective viewing are computationally intensive. Future releases will implement additional features for three-dimensional visualization.

If a rectangular region is selected using the Graphics tool (as described in chapter Graphics), then only the selected rectangular region is shown in 3D View. Otherwise, the entire image is available.

If blobs have been detected (and blob display is enabled), then 3D View will colorize the blob outlines. In Configure->Configure Settings, the 3D View settings allow for wire-frame or surface rendering and for color-mapping or monochromatic colorization.


GC Image supports image resizing. This operation is distinct from the scaling or zoom operations available in the Scale Viewport control and the Navigator. The operations in Scale Viewport and Navigator operate on the ROI in the Viewport. Typically, these Viewport operators, described above, are the most appropriate for rescaled viewing.

Resize operates on the full image buffer that is used in a variety of display operations. It is particularly useful for resizing an image before it is exported to an external file format. Resize is also useful for changing the aspect ratio used in display operations.


The GC Image Multi-Projections tool supports graphing of one-dimensional slices and projections of an image. A projection is the one-dimensional sum across a range of rows or a range of columns. A slice is a single row or column (which is the projection with a range of only one row or one column). The Multi-Projections tool also supports multiple slices as described below.

Figure 6 illustrates the Multi-Projections window with graphs of the selected row and column slices.

Figure 6: The GC Image Multi-Projections tool with graphs of the selected row and column slices.

The Multi-Projections tool displays the sub-region of the image from the ROI. Clicking on a location in the sub-image in the Multi-Projections tool specifies the row and column displays:

The location of the sub-image can be moved left or right (or up or down) by click-and-drag with the left mouse-button on the graph panels at the bottom or left of the Multi-Projections tool. The colors of each graph and associated column selector can be set on the Multi-Projections tool control panel. Optionally, the Multi-Projections tool will graph the estimated baseline level for single slices.

Clicking and dragging in the sub-image display defines a range of rows and columns. With a range of rows and columns, there are two options:

Figure 7: The GC Image Multi-Projections tool with integrated projections from the selected rows and columns.

Figure 8: The GC Image Multi-Projections tool with multiple slices from the selected rows and columns.

The slice, projection, or multi-slices along either the vertical or horizontal dimension can be saved to a text file with buttons at the bottom of the Multi-Projections tool. Other checkboxes indicate whether or not baseline level is graphed and blob outlines are displayed.

Visualize Data

GC Image supports visualization of various pixel statistics, as illustrated in Figure 9. If a rectangular region is selected using the Graphics tool (as described in chapter Graphics), then the statistics include only the pixels in the selected rectangular region. Otherwise, the statistics include all pixels in the image. The Visualize Data tool is launched from the Visualize Data button on the Image Viewer tool bar or from View->Visualize Data menu item. Close Visualize Data by dismissing the window or clicking the close button.

Figure 9: The GC Image Visualize Data tool.

Visualize Data reports several pixel statistics of the reported rectangular region:

Visualize Data contains a two-dimensional plot with user-configurable values. The values that can be plotted are: Visualize Data also offers a popup with a histogram plot of pixel values, as pictured in Figure 10.

Figure 10: A histogram of pixel values.

The Visualize Data tool and the histogram popup are closed with buttons or by dismissing the window.

Contents       Previous: Image Input and Output       Next: Graphics

GC Image™ Users' Guide © 2003, 2002, 2001 by GC Image LLC and the University of Nebraska.