Project Ideas for CSCE 471/871 (Spring 2011)

From the syllabus:

In this course you will do a substantial project. This project can be: (1) a very extensive literature search and summary on a relevant topic, (2) a good implementation and evaluation of a relevant known result, or (3) a small (but nontrivial) amount of original, relevant research. You may work on these projects individually or in small groups, though if you work in a group, my expectations will be much higher when I grade your project.

You will summarize your project results in a written report and an oral presentation. The written report must use a professional writing style similar to that found in an ACM or IEEE journal, including abstract, introduction, summary of related work, your contribution, references, and an appendix (if necessary). The oral presentation will be to the entire class at the end of the semester: during Dead Week (April 25–29), and if necessary, during the week prior to Dead Week (April 18–22). You will submit your written report to me no later than 11:59 p.m. on April 27. In accordance with UNL 15th week policies, you have now been informed in writing of the nature and scope of this project prior to the eighth week of classes.

Later this semester (mid-February) I will set a deadline for submission of 1–3 paragraph proposals on your projects. You must do this in order to get full credit for your project, and you must get my approval on it before starting work on your project. I will provide a list of possible topics later this semester, but you may propose your own topic as well. To be a valid topic, it must go beyond the scope of the course. So your project could be on a topic we did not cover in class at all, or could more deeply explore a topic we covered in class.

Suggestions for projects can be found below, but you may propose your own topic as well. You must receive my approval on your topic before proceeding with your work! The project proposals are due Sunday, February 20 at 11:59pm. To be a valid topic, it must go beyond the scope of the course. So your project could be on a topic we did not cover in class at all, or could more deeply explore a topic we covered in class.

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Last modified 16 August 2011; please report problems to sscott AT cse.