JDEP 183H Fall 2007
Computer Science I

Home | Course Syllabus | Assignments | Lecture Notes | Class News and Announcements

Computer Science I (CSE 155H) is an introduction to problem-solving with computers including problem analysis and specification, algorithm development, program design, and implementation in a high-level programming language. This course is open to students in the J.D. Edwards Honors Program.

This document is available at http://www.cse.unl.edu/~myra/classes/jdep183_07/syllabus.html

Course Textbooks:
  1. Wu, C. Thomas. A Comprehensive Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming with Java, New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 1st Edition, 2008.

Topics to be Covered:

(This syllabus will be updated and expanded as the semester progresses. You should use your browser reload button each time to make sure you have the most current version)

Chapters listed are from our textbook (Wu):

Students are expected to attend classes. Announcements regarding quizzes and labs will be made in class and posted electronically afterwards. It is the responsibility of students missing classes to make arrangments to obtain the missed content.

The grading for the class will be as follows:

  • 5 Programming Assignments - 30%
    Tentative Due Dates (these dates are subject to change):
    • HW 1 - Due September 20th
    • HW 2 - Due October 16th
    • HW 3 - Due November 1st
    • HW 4 - Due November 20th
    • HW 5 - Due December 11th (note this is during dead week)*
  • Labs and Quizzes- 20%
  • Two In Class Exams - 15% each
    Tentative Dates:
    • Tuesday October 9th
    • Thursday November 8th
  • Final Exam - 20% Monday December 17th, 3:30-5:30 PM.
Grade assignments are made based on the following:
A: 93-100 A-: 90-92  
B+: 87-89 B: 83-86 B-: 80-82
C+: 77-79 C: 73-76 C-: 70-72
D+: 67-69 D: 63-66 D-: 60-62 F: 0-59

*See UNL Dead week policies for more information