
Material discussed during the recitation is listed below:

  1. Using Emacs. The best way to learn Emacs is to go through the online tutorial (accessible from emacs by typing Escape-x (for entering a command), h (h for help), t (t for tutorial).
  2. Very first steps in Lisp .
  3. The lisp code of the Farmer's dilemma.
  4. PacMan Wiki.
  5. Lisp Tutorial #2 .
  6. MST an admissible heuristic for the TSP. MST dominates the SLD.
  7. Code for Visual Path Finder contributed by Zach Miller. Runs on Window. You should untar the file and run VisualPathFinder/VisualPathFinder/bin/Debug/VisualPathFinder.exe. Play with the parameters and watch BFS and A* in action.
  8. Discussion of NP Completeness
  9. Empty Game Tree (postscript, PDF)
Last modified: Tue Mar 3 23:04:03 CST 2009