CSCE 476/876

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Protocol of the Course

The course syllabus is our 'contract' and we will abide by it. You are welcome to suggest modifications to the syllabus.

The course consists of lectures by the instructor, 3 times per week.


Required and recommended reading (as indicated in the Class schedule)

AIMA (textbook) will be followed in a more or less linear fashion.  The content of the course will be dynamically adapted to students performance. Chapters to be studied may encompass:  Chapter: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (partially), 6, 7, 9, and 10 (quickly) and, time permitting, 11, 13, and/or 14. Sections from these and other chapters may be dropped or added during the course.  Regularly check the class schedule.

Programming, theoretical, and library-search assignments

Surprise quizzes

There will be surprise quizzes throughout the semester  (with a frequency inversely proportional to students'  attendance).  Quizzes will address all material covered during the lectures and/or appearing in the required reading.  No books or personal notes are allowed during the quizzes, unless explicitly specified. Quizzes cannot be made up.




No Class Recording

Any work and/or communication that you are privy to as a member of this course should be treated as the intellectual property of the speaker/creator. It is not to be shared outside the context of this course. Students may not make or distribute screen captures, audio/video recordings of, or livestream, any class-related activity, including lectures and presentations, without express prior written consent from me or an approved accommodation from Services for Students with Disabilities. If you have, or think you may have, a disability such that you need to record or tape class-related activities, you should contact Services for Students with Disabilities. If you have an accommodation to record class-related activities, those recordings may not be shared with any other student, whether in this course or not, or with any other person or on any other platform. Failure to follow this policy on recording or distributing class-related activities may subject you to discipline under the Student Code of Conduct.