
- Undergraduate students: Interested in paid undergraduate research (e.g., NSF REU, UNL UCARE)? Please contact me for more information.
- Graduate students: Interested in Ph.D. to work on NSF projects on networking testing and verification? Please contact me for more information.

- Our CUBIC TCP specification was published as RFC
9438 by IETF in August 2023.
- Our paper "Efficient Verification of Timing-Related Network Functions in High-Speed Hardware" was accepted to IEEE INFOCOM 2023. Congratulations, Tianqi!
- Recognized as Excellent Editor of IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering in 2022.
- Our paper "Symbolic NS-3 for Efficient Exhaustive Testing: Design, Implementation, and Simulations" was accepted to Workshop on ns-3 (WNS3) 2022. Congratulations, Jianfei!
- Our paper "Auter: Automatically Tuning Multi-layer Network Buffers in Long-Distance Shadowsocks Networks" was accepted to IEEE INFOCOM 2022. Congratulations, Xu!
- Recognized as Distinguished TPC Member of IEEE INFOCOM 2021.
- Our paper "Efficient protocol testing under temporal uncertain events using discrete-event network simulations" was accepted to ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation 2021. Congratulations, Minh!
- New NSF
grant to redesign and reimplement TCP with not only efficient performance but also verifiable correctness from 2021 to 2025.
- New NSF
grant to efficiently test hardware-based network protocols from 2021 to 2024.
- Our paper "QoS-Aware Network Energy Optimization for Danmu Video Streaming in WiFi Networks" was accepted to IEEE IWQoS 2021. Congratulations, Nan!
- Our paper "Model-Agnostic and Efficient Exploration of Numerical Congestion Control State Space of Real-World TCP Implementations" was accepted to IEEE Transactions on Networking 2021. Congratulations, Wei!
- Our paper "TCP BBR in Cloud Networks: Challenges, Analysis, and Solutions" was accepted to IEEE ICDCS 2021. Congratulations, Phuong!
- IEEE ICC 2021 in
Montreal Canada, June, 2021
- Our paper "QuRate: Power-Efficient Mobile Immersive Video
Streaming" was accepted to ACM Multimedia Systems 2020 and won
the "DASH Excellence Award" and "Best Paper Award"!
Congratulations, Nan!
- New NSF
grant to develop a symbolic network simulator for
correctness testing of network protocols from 2019 to 2021.
- Our paper "A Novel Timestamping Mechanism for Clouds and Its
Application on Available Bandwidth Estimation" was accepted to
IEEE ICDCS 2019. Congratulations, Phuong!
- Our paper "Model-Agnostic and Efficient Exploration of
Numerical State Space of Real-World TCP Congestion Control
Implementations" was accepted to USENIX NSDI 2019. Congratulations, Wei!
- Our paper "Efficient systematic testing of network protocols
with temporal uncertain events" was accepted to IEEE INFOCOM
2019. Congratulations, Minh!
- Received UNL Course Redesign Incentive Grant to modify and
make the course materials accessible to students with
disabilities in 2018.
- Our CUBIC TCP was adopted by Microsoft as the default TCP
congestion control algorithm for Windows 10 and Windows Server
2019 for "improved
performance on Windows 10 thanks to CUBIC" and "a
faster and safer Internet" in 2018. CUBIC has already been
adopted by Linux
and Apple's