A Tabu Search Approach for Joint Scheduling of Resources in a Lambda Grid Network


Advanced distributed applications in engineering, scientific and business domains that are highly data-intensive demand high-performance computing platforms. Grid networks based on optical technology provide a promising approach to create efficient infrastructure to support such applications. These networks, termed in general as Lambda Grid networks, are based on optical circuit switching and employ wavelength division multiplexing and optical lightpaths. In this paper, we propose an approach based on Tabu Search heuristic for joint scheduling of computing, network and storage resources in a Lambda Grid network. The objectives are to minimize cost by efficient usage of resources and to minimize total completion time of job execution. The results are compared to a Greedy approach. Simulation results from both the methods show that the Tabu search heuristic performed better than the greedy approach in optimizing both the cost and completion time objectives.

2010 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference GLOBECOM 2010
Byrav Ramamurthy
Byrav Ramamurthy
Professor & PI

My research areas include optical and wireless networks, peer-to-peer networks for multimedia streaming, network security and telecommunications. My research work is supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation, U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Department of Agriculture, NASA, AT&T Corporation, Agilent Tech., Ciena, HP and OPNET Inc.