Experiences with dynamic circuit creation in a regional network testbed


In this paper we share our experiences of enabling dynamic circuit creation in the GpENI network. GpENI is a network research testbed in the mid-west USA involving several educational institutions. University of Nebraska-Lincoln is involved in provisioning dynamic circuits across the GpENI network among its participating universities. We discuss several options investigated for deploying dynamic circuits over the GpENI network as well as our demonstration experiments at the GENI engineering conferences. UNL has also collaborated with ProtoGENI project of University of Utah and Mid-Atlantic Crossroads (MAX) facility of Washington DC to create inter-domain dynamic circuits.

2011 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS)
Byrav Ramamurthy
Byrav Ramamurthy
Professor & PI

My research areas include optical and wireless networks, peer-to-peer networks for multimedia streaming, network security and telecommunications. My research work is supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation, U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Department of Agriculture, NASA, AT&T Corporation, Agilent Tech., Ciena, HP and OPNET Inc.