Syllabus - CSCE 936 Cyber-Physical Systems

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of Nebraska – Lincoln
Fall 2019

Dr. Justin Bradley
290 Schorr Center Email:
Phone: (402) 472-5072 Office hours: by appointment

Course Overview

This course introduces students to the research, design, and analysis of cyber-physical systems – the tight integration of computing, control, and communication. Applications for CPS research are far reaching and span medical devices, smart buildings, vehicle systems, and mobile computing. The application domain for this course will be cyber-physical (aerospace) vehicle systems though techniques are more broadly applicable. The course introduces, compares, and contrasts two complementary areas of study: control theory, and automata theory with a focus on how the two are combined in CPS to enable intelligent, safe, and robust robotic vehicles. A semester project will help students creatively apply cutting-edge CPS research to their research problems. Because CPS research is so broad prerequisites are minimal and basics in the specific areas of study will be reviewed. Helpful background includes digital control, real-time systems theory, automata theory, and optimization. Students from Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering should be appropriately prepared for this course.

Class Details

Class: TR 11:00 - 12:15 in M&N B7
Final exam: 15:30 - 17:30 Monday, Dec 16, 2019

Class website:

Course Requirements

Prerequisites: an undergraduate degree in Computer Science, Computer/Electrical/Mechanical Engineering or related field. Text: Officially there is no required textbook. We will use several sources which I will make available to you (mostly papers). Here is a list of good textbooks for you to consider in your research:


This course will require active, in-class participation as part of group discussions as we read and discuss papers. Some lectures will consist of basic concepts that span CPS, while others will be more discussion-like. There will be an end-of-semester project in lieu of a final exam wherein you will need to apply CPS concepts to a project you and I deem appropriate (hopefully your current research). The goal will be to write a final report that can be turned into a high-quality paper for you to submit. The grade breakdown will be:

Grades will then be assigned using the following table:

Grade Percent
A+ [98-10]
A [93-98)
A- [90-93)
B+ [88-90)
B [83-88)
B- [80-83)
C+ [78-80)
C [73-78)
C- [70-73)
D+ [68-70)
D [63-68)
D- [60-63)
F [0-60)


Class Policies

  1. Attendance is not mandatory but you are responsible for anything that transpires during you want your in-class participation points!

  2. Exchange of ideas and techniques is highly encouraged but your work must be your own. Also, because we are preparing you to be serious researchers you need to cite and acknowledge sources and contributions where appropriate (not necessary for homework).

  3. All homework assignments must be typed unless otherwise specified. If you are not proficient with either LaTeX, Microsoft Word, or some other word processor or typesetting language now is your chance to learn as this will be a necessary component of your professional career.1 If writing is difficult for you, or you are not proficient with English the UNL Writing Center ( may be able to help you. If I can’t understand what you write I will dock you points. This is the subjective nature of writing and communicating.

  4. Late work policy: no late work will be accepted. That is, you will get a zero if it is late. All assignments must be turned in prior to class on the day indicated, unless otherwise noted. I will make exceptions to this policy under certain situations at my discretion.

  5. Students have one week from time of grade posting to challenge a grade.

  6. Feel free to swing by my office, contact me by email, or call. I’d be happy to talk to you most anytime, but would appreciate setting up an appt. if you need a specific question addressed.

  7. Course announcements will be posted on Canvas and some may be distributed by email. Check your email and the Canvas announcements regularly!

CSE Policies

  1. The CSE Department has an anonymous contact form that you may use to voice your concerns about any problems in the course or department if you do not wish to be identified. (

  2. CSE Department policy dictates that students in CSE courses are expected to regularly check their email so they do not miss important announcements.

  3. Consider the Student Resource Center in Avery 12 if I am not available, or you otherwise need help: (

  4. All homework assignments, quizzes, exams, etc. must be your own work. No direct collaboration with fellow students, past or current, is allowed unless otherwise stated. The Computer Science & Engineering department has an Academic Integrity Policy ( All students enrolled in any computer science course are bound by this policy. You are expected to read, understand, and follow this policy. Violations will be dealt with on a case by case basis and may result in a failing assignment or a failing grade for the course itself.

UNL Policies

  1. The University strives to make all learning experiences as accessible as possible. If you anticipate or experience barriers based on your disability (including mental health, chronic or temporary medical conditions), please let me know immediately so that we can discuss options privately. To establish reasonable accommodations, I may request that you register with Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD). If you are eligible for services and register with their office, make arrangements with me as soon as possible to discuss your accommodations so they can be implemented in a timely manner. SSD contact information: 232 Canfield Admin. Bldg.; 402-472-3787.

  2. Academic honesty is essential to the existence and integrity of an academic institution. The responsibility for maintaining that integrity is shared by all members of the academic community. The University’s Student Code of Conduct addresses academic dishonesty. Students who commit acts of academic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary action and are granted due process and the right to appeal any decision.

  3. UNL offers a variety of options to students to aid them in dealing with stress and adversity. Counseling and Psychological & Services (CAPS); is a multidisciplinary team of psychologists and counselors that works collaboratively with Nebraska students to help them explore their feelings and thoughts and learn helpful ways to improve their mental, psychological and emotional well-being when issues arise. CAPS can be reached by calling 402-472-7450. Big Red Resilience & Well-Being (BRRWB) provides one-on-one well-being coaching to any student who wants to enhance their well-being. Trained well-being coaches help students create and be grateful for positive experiences, practice resilience and self-compassion, and find support as they need it. BRRWB can be reached by calling 402-472-8770.


This schedule is tentative and may change:

Week Assigned Due
1 Aug 26-30 No Class Tuesday, Intro HW1
2 Sep 2-6 Modeling, intro to control Project
3 Sep 9-13 Control (models, loops) HW2 HW1
4 Sep 16-20 Control (models, loops) Project Proposal
5 Sep 23-27 Control (feedback, design)
6 Sep 30 - Oct 4 Control (state space) HW3 HW2
7 Oct 7-11 Control, tracking control
8 Oct 14-18 Digital control
9 Oct 21-25 Fall Break, digital control HW3, Project draft
10 Oct 28- Nov 1 Digital control, automata
11 Nov 4-8 Automata HW4
12 Nov 11-15 Timed automata
13 Nov 18-22 Hybrid systems, MDPs
14 Nov 25-29 Flex time, Thanksgiving break Project presentations
15 Dec 2-6 HW4, project presentations
16 Dec 9-13 No class
17 Dec 16-20 Final exam: Dec 16, 2019 15:30-17:30

  1. Personally, I use LaTeX, so if that’s your platform and you need technical help I can offer it. If you use Microsoft Word I will be of no use to you.