Course description: This course is a continuation of the course
on Foundations of Constraint Processing (CSCE 821). It is intended for
students with some sophistication and considerable interest in exploring
methods of designing and using algorithms useful for solving combinatorial
problems. The goal of the course will be to study, analyze and critique
basic and current research papers and to engage in Constraint Processing
projects and experiments either alone or in small groups.
Topics may include (and are not restricted to)
Class participation is essential.non-binary constraints, over-constrained problems, temporal reasoning, symmetry and interchangeability, continuous CSPs, distributed constraint satisfaction, constraints in relational databases, spatial reasoning, etc.
Warning: The format of the course
is significantly more
like a research seminar than a regular class.
Be prepared for intensive work and mature interactions.
Time: Monday, Wednesday, from 2:30 to 3:45 p.m.
CBA 104 (room changed on January 22, 2003)
Instructor: Prof. Berthe Y. Choueiry
Room 104, Ferguson Hall
Tel: (402)472-5444
Office hours: Monday, Wednesday 3:45--4:45 p.m. or by appointment
Important: Regularly check out the page of for reference to required and recommended reading material, homework texts, and announcements.
Protocol of the course:
Grading policy:Study of selective chapters of the manuscript on Constraint Processing by Rina Dechter. Mainly discussions of technical papers, otherwise lectures by the instructor and presentations by students. Absence: maximum 3 sessions, advanced notice required. Collaboration and discussion within and outside the classroom strongly encouraged unless specified (e.g., for assignments, quizzes, or riddles').
Main AI textbooks are available on reserve for CSCE 476/876
at the Love Library (but you are welcome to check them out):