CSCE 990-06 Advanced Constraint Processing, Spring 2003
Glossary 1 as Homework 1, worth 80 points
Assigned: Monday, Feb. 3, 2003.
Due: Monday Feb.
10, 2003.
Note: it would be a good idea to sort the list alphabetically.
A variable is arc-consistent relative to another (binary CSP)
A sub-network of constraints is arc-consistent (binary CSP)
A network of constraints is arc-consistent (binary CSP)
Revise: input, output, what it updates
Two variables are path-consistent relative to a third
A binary constraint Rxi,xj is path-consistent relative to variable
A sub-network of 3 variables is path-consistent
A network of constraints is path-consistent.
Revise3: input, output, what it updates
PC-1, PC-3: what they update (according to Dechter)
A path-consistent constraint Rxi,xj
A relation of arity (i-1) is i-consistent relative to a variable
A network is i-consistent
A network is strongly i-consistent
A network is globally consistent
Revise-i: input, output, what it updates
A variable is arc-consistent relative to a non-binary constraint RS
A network of non-binary constraint is arc-consistency
Generalized arc-consistency (GAC): what it updates
Relational arc-consistency: what it updates
Bounds consistency
Global cardinality constraint (check original paper by Regin)
Cumulative constraint
Alldifferent constraint
Sum constraint
Cycle constraint
Global constraint (according to Dechter)
Maximal matching in a bipartite graph
Numeric constraints (according to Dechter)
Boolean constraints (according to Dechter)
Resolution rule
Composition of two binary constraints
Unit clause
A variable is bounds-consistent relative to a non-binary constraint
A (non-binary) constraint is bounds-consistent
Explain the UNIT-PROPAGATION algorithm
Width of a tree-structured binary CSP
Bi-valued CSP
Conjunctive normal form (CNF)
Horn clause
Do not forget to list your references.