CSCE 421/821, Fall 2003, Glossary 3

Assigned:  Monday, September 15, 2003.
Due: Monday September 22, 2003.
Note: Glossaries are optional but help you improve your grade.
  1. Complete graph
  2. Completeness (of an algorithm)
  3. Conditioning (in search)
  4. Conjunctive decomposition
  5. Current variable
  6. Disjunctive decomposition
  7. Domain annihilation
  8. Future variable
  9. Look-ahead strategy
  10. Node expansion (in search)
  11. Past variable
  12. Relation
  13. Soundness (of an algorithm)
  14. Thrashings
Please also check the following terms (some of them useful to understand Section 2.3.3 of Dechter's book):
  1. (A) Logical theory
  2. (A) model of a theory in prepositional logic
  3. Refutation rule in propositional logic
  4. Resolution rule in propositional logic
  5. Theorem proving
  6. (The difference between) a set and a bags
  7. (A) strongly connected directed graph