CSCE 421/821, Fall 2003, Glossary 3
Assigned: Monday, September 15, 2003.
Due: Monday September 22, 2003.
Note: Glossaries are optional but help you improve your grade.
- Complete graph
- Completeness (of an algorithm)
- Conditioning (in search)
- Conjunctive decomposition
- Current variable
- Disjunctive decomposition
- Domain annihilation
- Future variable
- Look-ahead strategy
- Node expansion (in search)
- Past variable
- Relation
- Soundness (of an algorithm)
- Thrashings
Please also check the following terms (some of them useful to understand
Section 2.3.3 of Dechter's book):
- (A) Logical theory
- (A) model of a theory in prepositional logic
- Refutation rule in propositional logic
- Resolution rule in propositional logic
- Theorem proving
- (The difference between) a set and a bags
- (A) strongly connected directed graph