CSCE421/821, Fall 2001: Foundations of Constraint Satisfaction
Special annnouncement:
will have at least one researcher from the industry to talk about the market
of this technology, techniques implemented in industrial products,
and commercial success stories.
Prereq: CSCE310 (Data structures and algorithms) and CSCE476/876
(Introduction to AI) or permission of instructor.
Course description: Constraint Satisfaction has emerged
as a successful approach to articulate and solve many industrial problems
such as design, network diagnosis, vision, scheduling, and resource management
in wireless networks. This technology is now the basis for new programming
languages and innovative commercial systems for production scheduling,
product configuration, personnel planning and time-tabling, etc.
This course reviews the foundations of constraint satisfaction and the
basic mechanisms developed in this area. It also covers issues on
modeling and representation, special types of constraints such as
temporal constraint networks, and theoretical and empirical evaluation
of problem `difficulty.' The course will examine in particular new
methods for decomposition and symmetry identification, designed to overcome
the complexity barrier and to support interactions with users.
Time: Tuesday, Thursday, from 9:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m.
Place: Nelle Cochrane Woods (NCW) Hall 9. (The room is
located in the basement.)
Instructor: Berthe Y. Choueiry
Room 104, Ferguson Hall,
email:, tel: (402)472-5444.
Office hours: Tue/Thu from 10:45 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., or by appointment.
Ms. Liying Jiang
location: Building 501. Room 5. Desk 511.
hours: Monday, Wednesday from 11:00 am to 12:15 pm.
For `theory' questions, concept understanding, principals of code design,
contact instructor directly.
Daniel Buettner,
Building 501, Room 3. Office hours: Monday/Wednesday from 2:00 to
3:00 pm
Robert Glaubius,
Building 501, Room 3. Office hours: Friday from
10:00 am to 11:00 am.
Lin Xu, Building
501, Room 3.
For quick response, email Your message will be
forwarded to all TA's and instructor.
the page will be regularly updated. Check it out regularly for reference
to required and recommended reading material, homework texts, and announcements.
Topics include but are not restricted to:
Properties, computational complexity, and practical importance.
Theoretical and empirical classification of backtracking algorithms.
Theoretical and empirical of classification of static and dynamic ordering
Phase transition.
Global and local consistency: algorithms, properties, and computational
Islands of tractability for minimality and global consistency.
Modeling and reduction methods between representations.
Symmetries and their approximations.
Reformulation and abstraction.
Extension: Dynamic/conditional constraint satisfaction, constraint
More, depending on class' interests.
Edward Tsang, Foundations of Constraint Satisfaction. Available
from instructor.
Rina Dechter, Constraint Processing. In preparation, check
with instructor.
Technical papers given by instructor or available from the Electronic
Reserve at the Love Library.
Protocol of the course:
Lectures by instructor, twice per week.
The workload will consist of:
Required and recommended reading: as indicated in the
Class schedule. The content of the course will be dynamically
adapted to students interests and performance.
Programming, theoretical, and library-search assignments:
Programming assignments homework must be turned in using the UNIX
handin program on and turned in before class on the due
date. Pen-and-paper assignments must be given to the instructor right
before the lecture on the due date. Late homeworks are subject to a 20%
deduction per day (including week-ends), any second after the due date
counts as an entire day. Programming assignments can be done in any
programming language. When code and data structures are provided,
they will be mostly in Common Lisp (advice: use Allegro Common Lisp on
Linux or a sun workstation). Students are kindly requested to indicate
how much time they approximately spend on each exercise; this information
will be aggregated and used for planning purposes: it does not affect grading
and the evaluation of individuals.
Surprise quizzes: There will be surprise quizzes throughout
the semester (with a frequency inversely proportional to students'
attendance). Quizzes will address all material covered during the
lectures and/or by the required reading. No books or personal notes
are allowed during the quizzes, unless explicitly specified. Quizzes
cannot be made up.
Tests: There will be a pre-test only. Test cannot
be made up except by instructor's permission.
Project: research, report, and presentation: The project
can be either a literature study/survey or the implementation of algorithms.
A presentation to the class is mandatory. The grade will take into account
the quality of the research, report, and presentation.
It is the student's responsibility to ensure an account on CSE
Discussions among students, instructor, and TA are encouraged. Homeworks
however are a strictly individual activity: no sharing is permitted
(unless when specified by instructor). Unethical behavior will be
heavily sanctioned (e.g., a null grade on the task). Absolute rule: Always
acknowledge any help received from other individuals and Always fully reference
material used (e.g., encyclopedia, book, paper, journal, web site).
Absence: maximum 4 sessions, advanced notice required. Attendance is taken.
Students are responsible for the material covered and announcements made
during the class. Also, there will be surprise quizzes.
Grading policy:
Grades will be allocated as follows
Pretest: 3%.
Quizzes: 27%
Assignments: 30%
Project: 40%. (Research and report: 30%. Presentation: 10%.)
How can I imporve my grade?
Make a presentation of a research paper in class: 10% per presentation.
Make a critical summary of research papers/topics discussed in class: 5%
per summary.
Write a chapter of a textbook: 10% per chapter.
Do the weekly and final glossaries: 5% (total).
Bonuses will be awarded to students who attend all lectures, interact lively,
and participate in discussion in class.
Grade conversion:
Books on reserve at the Love Library (LL):
Foundations of Constraint Satisfaction by Edward Tsang.
Books available at the Love Library (LL):
Artificial Intelligence, A Modern Approach (AIMA), by Russell &
Norvig. CALL number Q335 .R86 1995.
Other references:
The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences. CALL number BF311
.M556 1999, LIB USE ONLY.
Encyclopedia of artificial intelligence, 1992, SECOND EDITION, call number
Q335 .E53, LIB USE ONLY.
Section on "General AI Information" in "AI
Web search engines (Altavista, etc.)
Related material from the Web:
Some industrial companies and start-ups implementing advanced constraint-based
systems: (listed in random order)
I2 Technologies, PeopleSoft/Red
Pepper, J.D.
Edwards/Numetrix, Blue Pumpkin,
Technologies Ltd,
Carmen Systems, Firepond,
On Time Systems Inc., etc.
Archives and on-line systems:
Berthe Y. Choueiry
Last modified: