We've compiled some of the most common incarceration statistics from all over the world. Click the button below to get started or the side arrows to learn more about the features on this website.
You can examine countries colored by data value, with highest number of prisoners shown darkest for easy viewing.
You can click each country to easily view its statistics! You'll find the prison population, occupancy rate, female percentage, and more.
You can effortlessly place two countries' statistics side-by-side to see how their numbers compare.
Want even more stats? Check out the graph button in the upper-right corner which will show you the top incarcerated countries and their trends.
All statistics were pulled from the World Prison Brief, so feel free to fact-check us!
Hover over any country to view its name and click to see its statistics!
To reset the map, please click the Reset Map button.
If you'd like to compare two countries' statistics, please use the Compare button.
If you are wondering how to go back to the pie chart in the Graphs modal: all you have to do is click on the line and it will return to the pie chart!
The map and database are quite large, so please allow a few seconds for each action you select. We are continuously working to improve our site's speed!
If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know through email!