*arg max *arg min
CSCE 439/839: Robotics: Algorithms and Applications Spring 2020 (COVID-19 Edition)
Homework 3

Started: Thurs, April 16
Due: Tues, May 5 by Midnight
Instructions: This homework is an individual assignment, collaboration is not allowed. If you discuss any problems with others, please note this on the assignment as described in the syllabus. Also note any materials outside of lecture notes, course textbooks, and datasheets that you used. Show your work and describe your reasoning to get partial credit if your solution is incorrect.
You should also make sure that you properly label and describe any figures or plots that you include in your writeup. You will not receive full credit if you do not explain these. In addition, you should refer to your code where needed to answer the questions (e.g. say "See file mynode/launch/test.launch for this problem, which ...").
You must turn in a pdf of your assignment on Canvas. Make sure to answer questions in complete sentences and explain answers as needed. You must also turn in your code for all parts of this problem on Canvas. Failing to electronically turn in your code will result in a 10 point penalty on this assignment. Points may also be deducted for coding errors, poor style, or poor commenting.
If you use any code from an online or other source you must cite the source in the comments. Otherwise it is considered plagiarism, which we check for!!
Note: This assignment uses OpenCV, which is one of the most popular and powerful image processing libraries. I'm giving you the code you need and just asking you to use it (this is after all a robotics class, even though vision processing is important and often used in robotics). However, feel free to take a look at the source code and to take other image processing or deep learning classes if you want to learn more about image processing.

(5 pts)1 (To be completed at end of assignment) Approximately how much time did the total assignment take? Which sub-problem took longest and how much time did it take? Are there any questions that need clarification?

Edge Detection
PointsCounter5(5 pts) Give the basic 3-element vector mask to detect vertical edge.

PointsCounter5(5 pts) Give the output of applying the mask vector part a) (above) to the following matrix. Assume that elements outside of the bounds of this matrix are zero and the resulting matrix should have the same dimensions.

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