| Here is all the code contained in the movie above:
MovieClip.prototype.drawDashedLine = function(startX, startY, endX, endY, dashLength, gapLength) {
// this function will draw a dashed line between the indicated endpoints; the given dash
// length and gap length will be approximated as closely as possible such that there is
// a complete dash touching both endpoints
var dx = endX-startX;
var dy = endY-startY;
var length = Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
var n = Math.round((length-dashLength)/(dashLength+gapLength));
var f = dashLength/(dashLength+gapLength);
var mx = dx/(n+f);
var my = dy/(n+f);
var lx = f*mx;
var ly = f*my;
for (var i=0; i<=n; i++) {
var x = startX + i*mx;
var y = startY + i*my;
this.moveTo(x, y);
this.lineTo(x+lx, y+ly);
var mc = this.createEmptyMovieClip("exampleMC", 1);
mc.lineStyle(0, 0x000000);
mc.drawDashedLine(70, 12, 169, 183, 4, 2);
mc.lineStyle(0, 0xff0000);
mc.drawDashedLine(169, 183, 392, 302, 3, 3);
mc.lineStyle(0, 0x000000);
mc.drawDashedLine(392, 302, 447, 110, 2, 6);
mc.lineStyle(0, 0x0000ff);
mc.drawDashedLine(447, 110, 70, 12, 12, 12);
| |