Hydrogen Atom
 hydrogenAtom033view, link (62.6 KB, 950×640) source (345 KB)Wed, 18 Jul 07, 9:38pm UTC 

Updated the appearance of the About dialog window.

EDU Energy Levels Diagram
 eduEnergyLevels003view, link (11.2 KB, 150×250) source (38 KB)Mon, 25 Sep 06, 4:47pm UTC 

Added arrow labels. These can be displayed using the following flashvars:

  • labelX - The label string. The substrings '_AU_', '_AD_', '_AL_', and '_AR_' will be replaced by arrow characters pointing up, down, left and right.
  • labelSizeX - The font size of the string. the default is 12 points.

The flashvars line for the example above is "showNumbers=1,3&showEnergies=1,3&start1=1&end1=3&label1=1_AR_3".

 eduEnergyLevels001   Fri, 22 Sep 06, 8:16pm UTC 

The native size of this swf is 150×250. The following optional flashvars control the appearance of the lines and labels:

  • showEnergies - A comma delimited list of the levels for which energy labels should be shown. Use '0' to indicate the limiting level. Alternatively, use 'all' to show the labels for levels 1 through 4 plus the limiting level. The default is to show no labels.
  • showNumbers - A comma delimited list of the levels for which the level numbers should be shown. Use '0' to indicate the limiting level. Alternatively, use 'all' to show the labels for levels 1 through 4 plus the limiting level. The default is to show no labels.
  • labelColor - Use to set the color of the labels; the default is '000000'
  • levelColor - Use to set the color of the level lines; the default is 'a0a0a0'

Arrows can be added with the following flashvars, where X is the arrow number starting at 1 and going consecutively:

  • startX - (required) The starting level for the arrow (the tail). Use '0' to indicate the ionization space.
  • endX - (required) The ending level for the arrow (the head). Use '0' to indicate the ionization space.
  • offsetX - Sets the x position of the arrow as an offset from the center axis. The default is 0. This property would be useful if you add two arrows that overlap.
  • colorX - Sets the color for the arrow; the default is 'ff0000'.
  • alphaX - Sets the alpha for the arrow; the default is '100'.

The flashvars line for the example above is "showNumbers=1,3&showEnergies=1,3&start1=1&end1=3".