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Congratulations, Dr. Jieting Wu! (12/14/2018).
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Jianxin have been awarded UNL Chancellor's Fellowship! (10/09/2018).
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We had an interactive scientific visualization booth at Hour of Code 2018, an annual event co-hosted by University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) and Lincoln Public Schools (LPS) for promoting interdisciplinary computer technology. There were 980 people registered for this event, including 459 adults and 521 students (most K-12 students).(12/08/2018)
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Chunxiao successfully defended her Master project (07/19/2018).
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Hongfeng Attended Dagstuhl Seminar on In Situ Visualization for Computational Science, July, 2018 (07/1-6/2018).
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Saeideh gained Computing Research Association of Women in Computing (CRA-W) conference scholarship, San Fransisco, CA, April 2018!
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Babak successfully defended his Master project (04/11/2018).
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Congratulations, Dr. Lina Yu and Dr. Jianping Zeng! (12/15/2017).
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Shi successfully defended his Master thesis (04/18/2017).
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Saeideh received Computing Research Association of Women in Computing (CRA-W) conference scholarship, Washington, DC, April 2017!
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Mohsen successfully defended his Master project (04/11/2017).
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Lina won Graduate Student Conference Travel Grant from UNL College of Engineering (12/13/2016).
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Jianping passed the Ph.D. comprehensive exam (12/10/2016).
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Lina passed the Ph.D. comprehensive exam (11/30/2016).
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American Scientist. "A Computed Flame: To understand how fuel burns in a diesel engine takes chemistry knowledge and supercomputing muscle."
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Our Tweether work has been reported by Science Node.
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Yanfu successfully defended his Master thesis (07/15/2016).
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Feiyu passed the Ph.D. qualifying exam in Spring 2016.
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Jieting passed the Ph.D. qualifying exam in Fall 2015.
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Jianping's paper "Parallel Modularity-based Community Detection on Large-scale Graphs" has been selected as one of four Best Paper Candidates at IEEE Cluster 2015.
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Jianping won NSF Travel Award (07/08/2015).
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Jianping won Graduate Student Conference Travel Grant from UNL College of Engineering (06/11/2015).
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Jieting successfully defended his Master thesis (04/14/2015).
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Shruti successfully defended her Master project (04/10/2015).
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Jianping passed the Ph.D. qualifying exam in Fall 2013.
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Lina passed the Ph.D. qualifying exam in Fall 2013.
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Hongfeng was selected to participate in the 2013 UNL Research Development Fellows Program.