I am an associate professor in School of Computing at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and the director of Holland Computing Center. I received my B.S. degree and M.S. degree in Computer Science from Zhejiang University, and Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of California-Davis. After my Ph.D. graduation, I spent four years as a postdoctoral researcher at Sandia National Laboratories, California. My research concentrates on big data analysis and visualization, high-performance computing, and user interfaces and interaction.

Congratulations, Dr. Jianxin Sun! (04/29/2024).
Our visualization lab participated in Lincoln's 2023 Hour of Code & Tech Fair event at Nebraska Innovation Campus, which had 570 people register for the event and checked in 600 attendees (12/02/2023).
Girls Code Lincoln visited our visualization lab, and girls had hands-on activities on interactive visualization. (11/12/2023)
Yu Shi successfully defended his Master thesis on CT Image Synthsis. (07/25/2023)
We had a booth at the Woman in Science conference. (03/31/2023)
We had an opportunity to join the first in-person Hour of Code event in over two years and resume our visualization demonstrations for our Nebraska kids. (12/03/2022)
We met with the Lincoln Public Schools (LPS) Science Connector at Science Connector. (08/10/2022)
Congratulations, Dr. Tiao Gao! (04/22/2022).
Congratulations, Dr. Yu Pan! (08/05/2021).
Several team members get summer internships: Ian - NASA, Jianxin - Argonne National Laboratory, Shawn - ThredUp (04/29/2021).
Suresh Thapa successfully defended his Master project (10/23/2020).
Congratulations, Dr. Feiyu Zhu! (07/23/2020).
We demonstrated visualization to Nebraska girls in grades 3-12 at the third annual Introduce a Girl to Engineering day. The event was supported by multiple sponsors, including Lincoln Children's Museum, UNL College of Engineering, and so on (01/25/2020).
Our lab participated in Hour of Code 2019 with our visualization demonstrations (12/07/2019).
Saeideh Samani successfully defended her Master thesis on uncertainty visualization for nitrogen leaching (12/02/2019).
Our lab participated in Nebraska State FFA Convention Tours for visualization demos and presentations to future farmers of America (04/03/2019).
Jin Wang successfully defended his Master thesis on learning-based data prefetching (11/18/2019).
Ebrahim successfully defended his Master project on GPU-based point cloud processing (07/26/2019).
Yves successfully defended his Master thesis on distributed edge bundling (07/23/2019).
Li successfully defended her Master thesis on eye tracking data visualization (05/24/2019).
Congratulations, Dr. Jieting Wu! (12/14/2018).
Jianxin have been awarded UNL Chancellor's Fellowship! (10/09/2018).
We had an interactive scientific visualization booth at Hour of Code 2018, an annual event co-hosted by University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) and Lincoln Public Schools (LPS) for promoting interdisciplinary computer technology. There were 980 people registered for this event, including 459 adults and 521 students (most K-12 students).(12/08/2018)
Chunxiao successfully defended her Master project (07/19/2018).
Hongfeng Attended Dagstuhl Seminar on In Situ Visualization for Computational Science, July, 2018 (07/1-6/2018).
Saeideh gained Computing Research Association of Women in Computing (CRA-W) conference scholarship, San Fransisco, CA, April 2018!
Babak successfully defended his Master project (04/11/2018).
Congratulations, Dr. Lina Yu and Dr. Jianping Zeng! (12/15/2017).
Shi successfully defended his Master thesis (04/18/2017).
Saeideh received Computing Research Association of Women in Computing (CRA-W) conference scholarship, Washington, DC, April 2017!
Mohsen successfully defended his Master project (04/11/2017).
Lina won Graduate Student Conference Travel Grant from UNL College of Engineering (12/13/2016).
Jianping passed the Ph.D. comprehensive exam (12/10/2016).
Lina passed the Ph.D. comprehensive exam (11/30/2016).
American Scientist. "A Computed Flame: To understand how fuel burns in a diesel engine takes chemistry knowledge and supercomputing muscle."
Our Tweether work has been reported by Science Node.
Yanfu successfully defended his Master thesis (07/15/2016).
Feiyu passed the Ph.D. qualifying exam in Spring 2016.
Jieting passed the Ph.D. qualifying exam in Fall 2015.
Jianping's paper "Parallel Modularity-based Community Detection on Large-scale Graphs" has been selected as one of four Best Paper Candidates at IEEE Cluster 2015.
Jianping won NSF Travel Award (07/08/2015).
Jianping won Graduate Student Conference Travel Grant from UNL College of Engineering (06/11/2015).
Jieting successfully defended his Master thesis (04/14/2015).
Shruti successfully defended her Master project (04/10/2015).
Jianping passed the Ph.D. qualifying exam in Fall 2013.
Lina passed the Ph.D. qualifying exam in Fall 2013.
Hongfeng was selected to participate in the 2013 UNL Research Development Fellows Program.