CSCE 990 Networks Systems Seminar

Fall 2007
Call #2880 (Section 006), 1 credit

Wed 2:30-3:20pm
Avery 347

Instructors: Prof. Steve Goddard,
Prof. Byrav Ramamurthy, and Prof. Witty Srisa-An, and

Course Information

This seminar provides a forum for discussion of the latest research work done here at UNL and elsewhere in the related ares of networks and systems. This semester, we will primarily focus on transactional memory.

With the industry-wide shift towards multi-core processors, hardware parallelism is now mainstream. However, writing high-performance and reliable software for these parallel machines remains a difficult challenge even for experienced software developers. One possible solution that has great potential to relieve programmers from the burden of coordinating parallelism is transactional memory. Transactional Memory is analogous to database transactions for controlling access to shared memory in concurrent systems. A transaction represents a series of read and write operations to shared memory with no intermediate states visible to other transactions. As a language primitive, programmers only need to describe which actions must be done atomically to take advantage of transactional memory.

This semester, if you are not presenting your own research paper, we will focus on Transactional Memory. I will provide a list of papers to be presented in class. More information about these papers as well as the research focus will be provided during our first meeting on August 29th at 2:30pm in 347 Avery. In addition, we will also decide how best to proceed so that the course will be a rewarding experience for all participants. Please join us and help to make this the best seminar semester so far!

Each of the seminar participants is expected to make a presentation or lead a discussion of papers that we have all read. We will identify the state of the art in these closely related areas and identify new research topics to be investigated. I would also like to see us debate proposed approaches and solutions. This means that everyone will need to participate and contribute. Success will depend on the level of effort put forth by the participants.

You may register for 1 credit hour for the course. You are welcome to attend without registering, but you will still be expected to read papers, participate in discussions.

Please contact Witawas Srisa-an,, if you wish to be on the seminar mailing list.

Everyone is welcome to attend!

Last modified: Aug 22, 2007.