Tips on Presenting Technical Material

Written Presentation

o ``How NOT to Write a Paper'' by Oded Goldreich (pdf).

o ``Hints on Writing Technical Papers and Making Presentations'' by Victor O. K. Li, IEEE Transactions on Education, 42(2):134-137, May 1999.

o ``Research Issues in Distributed Systems'' from Steve Goddard's CSCE 855 Class

Gives excellent tips on thinking critically, presenting technical material, performing experiments, and interpreting results.

pdf version
PostScript version
Also see his Generic Paper Outline.

o How to Have Your Abstract Rejected by Mary-Claire van Leunen and Richard Lipton.

o Slides from CSCE 488 on written presentations [written by Roger Kieckhafer, revised by Sharad Seth and Stephen Scott] (ppt)

o Other books on writing, but not specific to technical writing, include

The Chicago Manual of Style : The Essential Guide for Writers, Editors, and Publishers (14th Edition) by John Grossman. Univ. of Chicago Press, 1993
Elements of Style (3rd Edition) by Strunk and White. Allyn and Bacon Publishers, 1995
On Writing Well: The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction (6th Edition) by William Zinsser. Harper Reference, 1998


o UNL CSE Department's Policy on Academic Integrity

o Slides from CSCE 488 on plagiarism [written by Roger Kieckhafer, revised by Sharad Seth and Stephen Scott] (ppt)

Oral Presentation

o Slides from ``How to Give a Good Research Talk'' (pdf) adapted from slides by Sally A. Goldman, Washington University Dept. of Computer Science, 1997.

Come see me for an explanation of the slides' contents if you do not understand certain parts.

o Slides from CSCE 488 on oral presentations [written by Roger Kieckhafer, revised by Sharad Seth and Stephen Scott] (ppt)

If you know of any other references on writing and presenting well, notify me and I'll list them here.