CS 211 Lesson 29

Graphical User Interfaces (GUI's) and guide


Opportunity is missed by most because is it dressed in overalls and looks like work. Thomas Edison

Lesson Objectives:


I. MATLAB Concepts

A. GUIs and event-driven programming

B. Elements of a MATLAB GUI

C. Components and triggering callbacks

Component Type Its callback is triggered

static text

 (has no callbacks)

edit box

 on an ESC key or clicks outside of edit box (inside of its parent figure)

push button

 when the button is clicked on (with the mouse)

toggle button

 when the button is clicked on (has two states - on/off)

check boxes and radio buttons

 when it is clicked on (checked/unchecked or selected/deselected)

popup menus

 when a menu item is selected

list boxes

 when a selection is made


 after the slider is dragged and then released

D. GUI Objects

E. Using MATLAB's guide tool

II. Good Programming Practices

III. Algorithms

Lab Work: Lab 29

References:  Chapman Textbook: section 10.1-10.2