Lab 24

Text File Input/Output

CS211 Lab Policy:


For this lab you will create one MATLAB program named Lab24() in file Lab24.m.  In this assignment you will read statistics about the 2007 NCAA Basketball season (source:  ). Download the file NCAA Basketball and save it in a new empty folder in your MATLAB working directory. After you have downloaded the file, use a "My Documents" window to navigate to the folder that you saved the file in. Then right-click the "NCAA Basketball" file and select "Extract Here". You should see 15 data files appear in this folder. You will read data from these files to accomplish this lab assignment.

Implement MATLAB code that does the following. Save your Lab24.m file in the same directory as your data files.

Task 1: Determine the statistics for which Air Force is nationally ranked.

  1. Clear the command window.
  2. Use the MATLAB dir('*.txt') command to get a list of all the text files in the current folder. If you followed the instructions above and saved the downloaded zip file in an empty folder, this command will return you a list of all the statistics file names in a structure array. Experiment with this command in the command window before you use it in your program.
  3. For each of the statistic files, do the following:
    Action MATLAB hints
    Open the file for reading. File_id = fopen()
    While the file has not been totally read while ~ feof(File_id)
        Read a single line from the file Use fgetl()
        Search the line for the string 'Air Force' Use strfind()
        if 'Air Force' is found  
            Extract the first number from the line of text Use sscanf()
            Display a message that contains the rank and the file name  
    Close the file Use fclose()

    This section of your code should produce output similar to the text shown below (2006 data shown below):

    Air Force is Nationally ranked in Basketball in the following categories:
    Rank  Category
      11  Field-Goal Percentage.txt
      22  Free-Throw Percentage.txt
      10  Personal Fouls Per Game.txt
       1  Scoring Defense.txt
      19  Scoring Margin.txt
      14  Three-Point Field Goals Per Game.txt
       6  Three-Point Field-Goal Percentage.txt
       5  Turnovers Per Game.txt
      11  Won-Lost Percentage.txt

Task 2: Manipulate the 'Scoring Defense' statistics.

  1. Create a copy of the file 'Scoring Defense.txt' and call the new file 'Scoring Defense without headers.txt'. Then open this new file, delete the first 5 lines of the file, and save the file. This creates a file that is completely in table format.
  2. Use the MATLAB textread() command to read the 'Scoring Defense without headers.txt' statistics file into a set of parallel arrays. Use the following  format specifiers in your textread() command.
  3. Produce a line graph of the total number of points scored by each team's opponents. The graph should look like (2006 data shown below):


Task 3: Manipulate the original 'Scoring Defense' statistics.

  1. Now use textscan() to read the original 'Scoring Defense.txt' data file. To do this, you must read the first 5 lines of the file before using textscan(). Perform the following steps:
    1. Open the file using fopen().
    2. Read the first 5 lines using fgetl().
    3. Read the entire table of data into a single cell array using textscan().
    4. Close the file using fclose().
  2. Produce a scatter plot that compares the number of games won verses the number of games lost. The graph should look like (2006 data shown below):


Please make sure you understand the differences and similarities between the textscan() and the textread() commands.


Submit your Lab24.m file.