Submissions should be no more than 10 pages in two-column,
single-space, 10pt IEEE conference format (For LaTeX style file
All figures, appendices, and references must fit within this
limit. Papers that deviate significantly from these requirements
risk being rejected without review.
Papers will be handled electronically through START. Format:
Adobe PDF (pdf).
When submitting your paper, be sure to select the appropriate
track for your paper (i.e., Main Track, Cyber-Physical Systems,
Design and Verification of Embedded Real-Time Systems, or
Wireless Sensor Networks).
The RTSS 2010 Program Committee will select a Best Paper and
a Best Student Paper for special recognition. All papers are
eligible for the Best Paper award. For a paper to qualify for
the Best Student Paper award, a student must be the lead author
and have made significant contributions to the work. To be
considered for a the Best Student Paper award, be sure to set
the Student Submission box to Yes in the on-line submission
Deadlines for all tracks : 16 May 2009, 11:59 pm California
Time (PST)
Click Here To
Submit Your Paper