The instructor reserves the right to revise the syllabus for good cause during the semester.
Course Description
150E. Introduction to Computer Programming for Scientists and Engineers (3cr) Lec 3, lab 1. Prereq: 4 years high school mathematics. CSCE 150E is designed for computer applications in the sciences and engineering. CSCE 150A, CSCE 150E, and CSCE 150M do not count toward the requirements for the major in computer science and computer engineering. Credit towards the degree may be earned in only one of: CSCE 150A or CSCE 150E or CSCE 150M or CSCE 252A.
Introduction to computers and problem-solving with computers for applications in the sciences and engineering. Problem analysis and specification, algorithms, programming in a high-level language, and data representation and processing.
Course Objectives
On successful completion of this course, students can expect to have the following:
- Ability to use Matlab as a super-calculator
- Knowledge of the Matlab IDE (and help system)
- Basic Knowledge in using Matlab for procedural programming: Variables/Expressions/Conditionals/Loops/Functions/etc.
- Knowledge of Matlab as a matrix oriented lanaguage: vector/matrix/structure/cell
- Ability to complete simple programming tasks: math, file manipulation, string manipulation, scientific plotting
- Knowledge of good programming styles: modularity/clarity/simplicity/readability
- Skill in problem solving methods: top-down programming, functional decomposition, interative development, debugging.
- Foundational knowledge of computer science: complexity, data representation, translation and compilation, recursion.
Text Books
The primary text is Essentials of MATLAB Programming , second edition, by Stephen J. Chapman, published by CENGAGE Learning, 2009. The first edition is nearly identical, differing mainly in some figures displaying the 7.0 rather than 7.5 version of MATLAB, and being off by one or two pages in its numbering. All of the first five chapters will be covered, though portions on plotting may be primarilly in the lab. Chapters 6, 7, and Appendix B will be covered only partially.
Course Schedule
The schedule will be flexible. Preliminary plans are to spend the first two weeks dealing with an overview of computer science concepts and chapter 1 through 4 in the text. The midterm will likely be early in the third week. The real core of the course comes in chapter 5 which provides the mechanisms for effective program design. This will take most of the third and some of the fourth week. The last weeks will include scattered coverage of topics from chapter 6, 7, and appendix B, though the primary emphasis will be on problem solving strategies in programming. The course concludes with the final exam at the end of the fifth week.
Academic Honesty
Academic dishonesty of any kind will be dealt with in a manner consistent with the CS&E Department's Policy on Academic Integrity. You are expected to know and abide by this policy. A principle concept underlying integrity is transparency. Proper practices of documentation for all borrowed and collaborated works will be provided and must be followed without exception.
Grading Components
There will be 5 homework assignments with a mix of written and programming components. They will be based on ethics, each of chapters 2 through 5, along with elements from chapters 6, 7 and appendix B. Students should use electronic handin on the department's cse server. It is the students' responsibility to make sure that their files are handed in properly. Each homework is due by midnight on its due date. Contact the TA or instructor as soon as feasible in case of delayed submission in order to retain any chance of earning credit.
For the non-programming parts of homeworks, students must use some document processing package (e.g. LaTeX or MS-Word) to prepare their work. This work will be the main document. Program code should generally be submitted as individual files so that the graders can easily test it. This code should also be copied and pasted into the main document.
Writing must be as clear and concise as possible. Presentation of results is nearly as important as the results themselves, and will count substantially in the grading. Standards for formatting will be provided.
Program grading will be based on three criteria - quality of code, documentation/formatting, and testing. Just because a program appears to run correctly does not guarantee a good grade!
For purposes of consistency, questions regarding the grading of any assignment should generally first be directed to the person who graded the assignment. This must be done as soon as practicable.
Students must ensure that all files (e.g. program code, homework write-ups) are reasonably well-protected. Students will be held responsible in case their work is used by others!
Each homework counts equally for the final grade, even though the number of points per homework may vary (for the convenience of grading). Assuming the student appears to make an honest attempt to do his best on each homework, higher performance on any homework will result in the lower grades of all previous homeworks being replaced with the higher grade. This is in keeping with the understanding that this course is progressive in that later work depends on earlier work.
There will be an optional project, credit for which will be bonus points. Details will be presented later, though note that a presentation and final submission may be scheduled for the so-called Dead Week before finals.
There will be one midterm and one final exam. The midterm will cover chapters 1 through 4 of the main text along with material presented in class. The most likely format is short answer. The final exam will be comprehensive, with portions which may closely resemble the midterm exam. If performance on the final exam is better, then that grade will replace the midterm exam grade.
The details of evaluation for the laboratory will be given by your TA.
Percentages [100 points total]
Attendance and Pop Quizzes [5]
Homework: [25]
Midterm (exam 1) performance: [25]
Final (exam 2) performance: [25]
Lab performance including lab quizzes: [20]
Project: required for honors contract students [5-10 bonus]
Attendence will be factored into the final grade:
- Attendance will be taken regularly using a roster sheet handed around the room.
- Absence from class with no valid reasons will result in loss of credit.
- As stated in the grading policy, 5% is attributed to attendence and pop quizzes.