Genome Mapping Assembly Database Application


Long DNA sequences are divided using restriction enzymes to be analyzed in biological sciences. Scientists are also interested in finding the original strands having the broken sequences. This is where the computer science comes for help by defining the the genome map assembly problems (GMAP) to solve this issue. In this project, an automata has been used to simulate the state space that the agent is facing when putting together di erent small bags of sequences generated by applying two di erent restriction enzymes. Then, the algorithm has been implemented in java and an interactive interface has been designed in javascript for it. The results of applying di erent test cases on it show the feasibility of the proposed model and its implementation.

Genome sequences hold gigantic amounts of information about the biological data of every living being. Genome Map Assembly is one of the interesting problems in computer science which has gathered a lot of attention among the scientists working on biological sciences.


There are three main approaches to solve GMAP, which are overlap multigraph, offset string, and offset fingerprint. Between the different methods represented, some follow ups come to compare them theoretically,

and we have focused on solving GMAP using constraint automation in offset fingerprint method.

User Interface

Fig. 2. GMA database application user interface