CSCE 496/896 Spring 2005
Computer Science Design Projects

Home | Course Syllabus | Class News and Announcements


Course Web Page:
Course Syllabus: syllabus.html
Class Meeting Place/Time:
    Monday, Wednesday 4:30 - 5:45 PM 

    Avery 112

    Myra Cohen
    Assistant Professor
    Office:  Avery 368  
    Phone:  472 - 2305
    myra [put_in_AT_sign]

    Office Hours:

    Other hours by appointment

Teaching Assistant: Padma Ashokkumar

Office Hours:
Monday, Wednesday 3:00-4:00

Prerequisites: Prereq: Senior or Graduate standing and CSCE 310
TextBooks: There are no specific textbooks for this course. Resources will be recommended as the semester progresses.
Academic Dishonesty
Unacceptable collaboration will be considered a violation of the Student Code of Conduct, and will result in a failing grade for the course. In addition, the incident will be reported to the CSE Department in accordance with the CSCE department policy on academic integrity. You are responsible to read the CSCE department policy and adhere to it. Please make sure if you obtain ideas from others you give credit to your source. If questions arise during the course of working on a problem, please feel free to contact the instructor for a clarification either by telephone, electronic mail, or by an office visit.
Please see the CSE Departmental Academic Integrity Policy for more details.
Special Needs
Any student in this course who has a disability that necessitates accommodation should contact the instructor as soon as possible to discuss the appropriate accommodations necessary to complete the course requirements.