# GitVS Demo VM This virtual machine has GitVS installed on it, allowing you to see how GitVS works for yourself. GitVS is configured to work with several repositories already set up on the VM, and this Readme will explain how to set up your own repositories to work with GitVS as well. # How to Run GitVS The virtual machine runs Ubuntu 15.10. Run the VM using VirtualBox. It will automatically log you in when you first start it. If you are ever asked for a username or password after starting the VM, use this login: Username: GitVS-Demo Password: gitvs This user has superuser privileges, so you can `su`/`sudo` with it when desired. There is a script on the desktop once you've started the virtual machine. Clicking it will open GitVS. There are also instructions for running GitVS and for setting up your own repository to work with GitVS on the desktop. ## GitVS With and Without Sound You'll notice that some of the scripts have `no_sound` in their filenames. These scripts call GitVS with a command line flag that tell it to run without playing any sound. The reason we included this flag is because we wanted to compare how usable GitVS is when it does and does not use sound so that we could determine whether sound is truly helpful. You can compare the two different versions of the GitVS visualization for yourself. ## Example Git Repositories There are three Git repositories in the `/home/gitvs-demo/GitVS` directory that are already set up to run with GitVS. 1. `Your-Repository` is one of the Git repositories we used in our user study for GitVS. It contains some of the data from the Voldemort repository, which is a distributed key-value storage system hosted at [GitHub](https://github.com/voldemort/voldemort). 2. `Comparison-Repository` is one of the Git repositories we used in our user study for GitVS. It contains some of the data from the Storm repository, which is a distributed realtime computation system similar to Hadoop. It is run by [the Apache Software Foundation](https://storm.apache.org/). 3. `Training-Repository` is the Git repository we used to train users how to use GitVS in our user study. It contains a small example Java project. The scripts included in the `/home/gitvs-demo/GitVS/gitvs` directory will let you use GitVS with these repositories. For example, to run GitVS on `Your-Repository`, run `original_repo.sh` or `original_repo_no_sound.sh`. # Other information Again, the virtual machine is running Ubuntu 15.10. In addition to software installed by default on Ubuntu, the following apt-get packages have been installed on the virtual machine: - default-jdk - default-jre - git - ruby - ant - vim - aptitude - dconfg-editor